Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Escalating Costs of Social Health Insurance Essay

Unlike any other country in the world, the United States continually experience rising cost of healthcare provision. Wolfe (1999) reports that healthcare costs has been increasing at a high rate for decades, it is estimated that every 40 months, the share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on healthcare goes up by 1 percent. Health expenditure which stood at 12. 3 percent of GDP in 1990 increased to 16. 0 percent of GDP in 2006 and is projected to reach 20 percent in the next 7 years. Between 2005 and 2006 alone, healthcare spending increased by 6. 7 percent, exceeding nominal GDP growth by 0. 6 percent, to a whooping $2. 1 trillion, representing an estimated $7,000 spending per person (Kuttner 2008; Catlin et al 2008). Various factors including inflation, aging population and advances in medical technology has been indicted as been responsible for the global increase in health expenditures, however, the American situation appears to be peculiar. Kuttner (2008) contends that the proliferation of new technologies, poor diet, lack of exercise, the tendency for supply (physicians, hospitals, tests, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and novel treatments) to generate demand and the culture of the American litigation, resulting in excessive malpractice litigations and the practice of defensive medicine, all adds together to ensure that the country experiences the largest and fastest growth in health expenditures, while at the same time, defeating efforts at cost containments. Like every other developed country, health insurance systems, especially social health insurance systems constitute the primarily methods of health financing (Carrin and James, 2004). This arrangement ensures that most of the cost of healthcare are paid by third parties, either through public establishments, as in social (public) health insurance systems, or by private bodies, as in private health insurance system, or in some cases, a mixture of both (Wolfe, 1999). The mixture of private and social health insurance is present in almost every country, with variations in their coverage. While in most European countries, social health insurance is deeply ingrained in societal fabric and provides the largest source of funding and insurance coverage (Saltman, 2004), the vast majority of Americans receive their health insurance coverage through employer based private insurance, with the rest of the country covered by any of the several public health insurance programs (Glover et al 2003). It is estimated that employer private health insurance covers approximately 63 percent of the population, with 51 percent of these amount covered by their own employers, while the remaining 41 percent are covered as a worker’s dependent; 14 percent are covered by public programs, 5 percent covered by individual insurance policies while an estimated 17 percent of the population are uncovered by any insurance (Devi, 2005). Medicare is largely regarded as the primary national (social) health insurance program in the United States, providing coverage for an estimated 44 million Americans over the age of 65. It is also estimated that Medicare provides health insurance coverage for about 7 million Americans under the age of 65 who have a disability or chronic condition (Fact Sheet, 2007). Social health insurance is a vital part of any country’s health care and health financing program, in some part of Europe, there is a general contention that social health insurance is not just an insurance arrangement, but a ‘way of life’, they are seen as a part of a social incomes policy that seek to redistribute wealth and health risk evenly amongst the population, however, the rising costs of these systems, not just in the United States but across the modern world, threatens the system. Before an analysis of the costs and factors driving costs of social health insurance systems, especially in America and in other European countries, it is important to first briefly describe the underlying principles of the social health insurance system and its difference from the private health insurance programs. This will be followed by a description of the United States Medicare program and some social health insurance programs in selected European countries and then a look at the costs of these programs. Steps taken towards cutting costs of the social insurance programs and the differences in cost cutting approaches between the United States and European Union countries will be examined. Lastly, future approaches that could help ameliorate the financial challenges facing the United States public insurance programs shall be recommended. Social Health Insurance Social health insurance, in its basic principle, in any society achieves a set of societal objectives through its peculiar form of financial cross subsidies, which covers redistribution from the healthy to the ill, from the well off to the less well off, from the young to the old and from the individual to the family. This redistributive focus of any social health insurance program distinguishes it from what is nominally regarded as insurance, thus, in several societies, it entrenches solidarity, income redistribution and is thus seen as a ‘key part of a broader structure of social security and income support that sits at the heart of civil society’ (Saltman, 2004:5) Saltman and Dubois (2004) contend that although Germany is considered the source of the modern day form of social health insurance, when it codified existing voluntary structures into compulsory state supervised legislation in 1883, the history of social health insurance (SHI) dates back longer to the medieval guilds in the late Middle Ages. However, they agreed that the structure and organization of SHI over time has considerably evolved; the number of people covered has increased from a small number of workers in particular trades to a larger portion of the population, the central concept SHI has evolved from wage replacement a death benefit into payment for and or provision of outpatient physician services, inpatient hospital care and drugs; thirdly, the administrative structure of SHI has also evolved from cooperative workers association to state mandated legislative character, beginning with Germany in 1883 and the most recent, 1996 in Switzerland. Structurally, social health insurance everywhere possesses three common characteristics. Social health insurance programs are administered privately in both funding and in the provision of health services; as a result of their private administration, social health programs are self regulating, and lastly, as a consequence of their independence and self regulation, social health insurance programs are relatively stable, both in organizational and financial terms (Saltman, 2004). As a fall out of these structural characteristics, social health insurance posses several core components that differentiate them from private health insurance programs. Under SHI, the raising of funds is tied to income of beneficiaries, usually in the form of a transparent and fixed percentage of wages. As a result, contributions are risk independent and thus encourage maximal risk pooling. Also, collection and administration of revenues for the program are handled by not-for-profit and sometimes, state run funds and these funds are usually managed by board members that are usually representative and elected. The United States Medicare program posses most or all of the characteristics of a social health insurance program. For over 40 years, the program has successfully provided healthcare access for the elderly and millions of people with disability. It is regarded as the nation’s single largest health insurance program and it covers a wide range of the society for a broad range of health services. For example, Potetz (2008) report that one out of ever five dollars spent on healthcare in 2006 came through the Medicare program. The program is also reported to fund, at least, one third of all hospital stays, nationally. In most European countries too, national, public (social) health insurance programs reportedly covers a large proportion of the population, in most cases, reaching up to 100 percent coverage. Saltman and others (2004) reports that in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland and from 1995, Israel, all have health insurance systems where (public) social health programs plays predominant roles in organization and funding of health care services, where between 60 to 100 percent of the population are mandatorily covered. They further argue that even countries like Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, Greece and Portugal that have a tax funded National Health Service schemes, segments of SHI based healthcare funding also exists. Explaining the difference between social health insurance programs and private health insurance, Thomson and Mossialos (2004) contend that private health insurance play very insignificant role in the health systems of several European countries, either in terms of funding or access to healthcare. Unlike in the United States where more than 60 percent of the population are covered by private employer based insurance, private health insurance programs covers a relatively small proportion of the population and accounts for less than 5 percent of the total health spending, with the exception of France, Germany and the Netherlands. The most common difference between social and private health insurance includes eligibility, risk pooling and benefits. For social health insurance programs, contributions are mostly based on a fixed or varying proportion of wages, without regard for risks, thus a wider proportion of the people are eligible and benefits i. e. health services offered are broader with less out of pocket costs (Thomson and Mossialos, 2004; Saltman 2004). For private health insurance, the reverse is the case in most situations. Especially in for-profit private health insurance systems, contributions are adjusted according to risks and for the most part high risks individuals are rejected or expected to pay higher premiums. Consequently, eligibility requirements are strict; out of pocket expenses might be higher, while services provided vary significantly across programs, depending on an array of factors. Depending on the generally functions and services offered by private health insurance, the relation to social health insurance can be substitutive, complementary or supplementary. Substitutive private health insurance programs provides insurance covers that is otherwise available from the public programs purchased by individuals or groups who are excluded from the SHI. The larger proportion of the US society is excluded from the public insurance programs, which are usually available to the elderly, the disabled or the very poor, the rest of the population must rely on private employer based insurance. However, in European countries with effective SHI, only certain individuals with income above a certain upper threshold are excluded from the public insurance program e. g. in Netherlands and Germany, while the rest of the population are eligible. Complementary private health insurance programs provide cover for services not fully covered by the SHI programs or totally excluded, the Medicare + Choice plans is an example of such covers. Lastly, supplementary private health insurance provides cover for faster access and also increased consumer choices for individuals who can afford it (Thomson and Mossialos, 2004). Eligibility and Coverage  The United States Medicare program is essentially for the elderly, thus, individuals are eligible for Medicare coverage if they are citizens of the United States or have been a permanent legal resident for five continues years and over 65 years old. Individuals younger than 65 years of age can also be eligible for Medicare coverage if they are disabled and have been on the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or the Railroad Retirement Board benefits for a period of two years. Further, individuals with end state renal disease (ESRD) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) known as Lou Gehrig’s disease also qualifies for Medicare coverage. However, many people with disability do not qualify for SSDI benefits and by extension, Medicare. To qualify for these benefits, disabled individuals must have a family member under age 65 who have a work history which included Federal Income Contribution Act tax (FICA), an individual may also qualifies for SSDI on the FICA contributions of a parent as a Childhood Disability Beneficiary (CDB) or as a disabled spouse of a deceased spouse. Whichever qualification route applicable, an individual qualifies for Medicare two years after he/she starts receiving the SSDI benefits, except for the Lou Gehrig’s disease where Medicare benefits starts in the first month SSDI payments are received or in the case of the ESRD where Medicare benefits starts within three months of the first dialysis (Fact Sheet, 2007). As of 2007, it is estimated that Medicare provides cover and health services to about 43 million Americans. This figure is expected to double to 77 million by 2031 when the baby boomers of the post World War II period start to retire. However, as mentioned previously, SHI in European countries offer universal coverage that is mandatory in some countries. Coverage for these countries varies from 63 percent in Netherlands to 100 percent coverage in France, Israel and Switzerland. In most of these countries, it is usually the highest income groups that are either allowed or required by law to leave the social health programs for private health insurance (Saltman, 2004:7). Benefits Benefits for Medicare members have continually been modified. The original program has two parts, Medicare Part A and part B. The Part A program known as Hospital Insurance, covers hospital stays with stays in skilled nursing facilities for limited periods if certain qualifying criteria are met. Such criteria include the length of hospital stay, which most be three days, at least, excluding the discharge day and stay in skilled nursing facility must be for conditions diagnosed during the hospitalization. Medicare Part A allows up to a maximum of 100day stay in skilled nursing facilities, with the first 20 days completely paid for by Medicare and the remaining 80days paid in part and requiring a co-payment from the beneficiary. The Medicare Part B covers services and products not covered by Part A, but on an outpatient basis. The benefits under this coverage includes physician and nursing services, laboratory diagnostic tests, influenza and pneumonia vaccinations x-rays and blood transfusions. Other services include renal dialysis, outpatient hospital procedures, Immunosuppressive drugs for organ transplant recipients, chemotherapy, limited ambulance transportation and other outpatient medical treatments carried out in a physician’s office. This coverage, to some extent, also includes medical equipments like walkers, wheelchairs and mobility scooters for individuals with mobility problems, while prosthetic devices, such as breast prosthesis after mastectomy or eye glasses after cataract surgery are also covered. The recently added Part C and D of the Medicare benefits slightly deviate from the original Medicare concept. After the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 came into effect, Medicare beneficiaries were allowed the option of receiving their Medicare benefits through private health insurance plans if they do not want to go through the original Medicare plans. These became known as Medicare + Choice as beneficiaries could choose any private health insurance plans and have it paid for by Medicare. The Medicare + Choice or Part C arrangement later became known as the Medicare Advantage Plan after the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 came into effect. The Part D plan, on the other hand, covers mainly prescription drugs and anyone in the original Plan A or B is eligible for this plan. However, in other to receive the benefits of the Plan D, a beneficiary must enroll and be approved for a Stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) or Medicare Advantage plan with prescription drug coverage (MA-PD). However, because Plan D is effectively operated by private health insurance companies, there are no standardized benefits, like the plan A and B; the private insurance companies could choose to cover some drugs or classes of drugs and not cover others, with the exception of drugs excluded from Medicare coverage. Beneficiaries are therefore restricted to the drugs coverage of the plans they choose (Merlis, 2008; Potetz, 2008). Contributions towards Social Health Insurance Medicare financing, like social health insurance everywhere, is financed through a complex mix of taxes, contributions, co-payments and the likes. The most important source of financing for the Medicare expenditures is through the payroll tax imposed by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and the Self-Employment Contributions Act of 1954, while other sources of financing includes general revenue through income taxes, a tax on Social Security benefits, and payments from states required for the Medicare drug benefits which started in 2006. In addition to these, beneficiaries also contribute directly to Medicare financing through premiums, deductibles and co-insurance. It is reported that income cases, physician do charge beneficiaries an additional out-of -pocket ‘balance billing’ to cover for services rendered (Potetz, 2008). The federal payroll taxes are paid by the working population or by the beneficiaries throughout their work history. The tax equals 2. 9 percent of gross wages, with half (1. 45 percent) deducted from the worker’s salary and the other half paid by the employer. Initially, there was a ceiling on the maximum amount any single person can contribute; however, beginning from 1994, the maximum limit was removed. Self employed people who do not have an employer to cover the other half of their taxes are mandated by law to pay the full 2. 9 percent of their estimated earnings. However, the contributions from the beneficiaries vary considerably depending on the plan and also range from premiums, deductibles, co-payments or in some cases, the balance billing mentioned previously.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Difference Between Subjective and Objective Forms of Appraisal

Difference between subjective and objective forms of appraisal Subjective appraisal is of where the appraisal is evaluated on the feelings of the evaluator. This isn’t judged on criteria as the objective appraisal is judged on set criteria and has no basis on how the evaluator feels about the performance, just how he views each select sector. Explain the process of creating movement. There are many steps that are relevant to the sport of rugby league in creating movement.There are many elements that influence and create the process of movement; these include coaches, improvising, motivating factors, rules and variations. Coaches play a large amount in the structure of a team, so therefore they play are large part in the what movement is done by the individual players. Often the coaches and administrators will practice what movements they want their chargers to do. Improvising is an integral part of movement in rugby league as the dynamics of the general play is always changing and often you cannot stick to a set play that is practiced.This is because you have direct opposition and it is unpredictable of what they are going to do. Motivating factors are another major factor in the process of movement. Often this is directly related to the score of the game. A good example is in rugby league upon a field goal is a great idea at equal scores with a minute left. The main motivating factor of sport is to win and therefore all movements are drawn on accordingly. Rules govern how the game is played and have an immense impact on the decisions made by the players and coaches and what movements are done.In rugby league, it is well known to go for the legs or the midriff in a tackle so you don’t slip and go around the head which results in a penalty. Variations are small differences in plays, this is normally attributed to the opposition understand what you are trying to, and varying to get a different outcome. These can often include different and more diff icult changes to the basic skills, like look away passing. These elements of rugby league and many others create a basis of which movement is created in game.The elements not only affect movement but are an integral part of the process and the creation of movement. Each sport is different and has different examples of what elements affect the process of movement. Using a movement medium of your choice critically analyse how each of the elements of composition can be applied to the activity when comprising and performing Combining and arranging movement so that it is fluent and unpredictable to the defence. This is the main component of creating successful movement in the sport of Rugby League.Some of the things that effect composing and performing in rugby league include the space, dynamics, time and rhythm and relationships. Space plays a big part in the game of Rugby League. Playmakers in the game are always trying to exploit space to use it to the team’s advantage to score points. This use of space is personsified no better than with the kick and chase. This uses the space behind the defensive line and uses a small chip kick over the line with the player chasing through the line to attempt to catch the ball and make a run to the tryline.This type of play utilizes the space that is often not thought about and can often make a large difference to the mindset of the opposing players. Patterns and Formations play a large key in the sport of Rugby League. A lot of the the attacking and defensive plays are practiced rigiously and in detail at training. They are used to correct any possible faults that would usually occur during a defensive position that was unplanned. A usual formation that occurs in defence is the fullback staying behind the play in case of a line break through the defensive line.Also having the wing players drop back to align with the fullback on the 5th tackle is another ploy to stop the effectiveness of an attacking kick that attempts to gain field position. Dynamics is an important part of rugby league, most notably in defence when force and flow can create a strong tackle to stop the attacking player. This can often change the feeling of the game and the team morale, as well as the momentum of the general play that is current. Force can also help you break tackles as the defenders arms cannot react to the physical contact they receive in the tackle.Flow is the degree of control of movement through time and space. This is imperative in the success of an attacking team as having bound flow usually presents a positive effect in a rugby league team. Timing and rhythm is imperative in the game of rugby league. Many aspect of this are more important than other, momentum is crucial as an attacking player, as the defensive player rarely has more momentum, the attacking player often needs to use this to his advantage. Timing of the run and timing of the pass is also important for a play to work successfully.If the timin g of either the runner or the passer is out of the zone then often the pass will be unsuccessful and the play will break down due to either a failed pass or a failed catch. Timing is something that is picked up to almost a telepathic event after much time spent as partners or teammates, a lot also derives from direct communication. Relationships are a huge key to a positive performance in a rugby league game. Having positive relationships with your fellow teammates can have them help you to be in position and create a movement they need for what they are trying to achieve.This can stem back to team formations and positional play. Often knowing your teammates positive attributes and their strengths can result in better movements suited to them and their style. In conclusion, these elements of composition can easily be applied to the sport of Rugby League in many different ways. All of the elements are important and can have a profound effect on the overall performance and the result of the game. The positive use of all elements of compositions can maximise the potential of the performance and all of the possible results that can occur.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Research problem and literature review Proposal

Problem and literature review - Research Proposal Example Majority of the school teachers do not pay proper attention to these students to teach them effective and correct English. Due to these reasons the students have to face problems in their higher classes as English is the only medium of teaching in higher studies. On the other hand, the students of UAE look towards their guides and teachers with great hope. According to these students, the teachers are most competent and they will help these students to learn good English within a short period of time. It doubles the responsibility of the English teachers. Therefore, majority of the English teachers become disappointed and fed up. As a result, the English teachers leave the institutions or schools before the completion of their contract. The teachers need to have little patience, significant competency level, intelligence and effective management and leadership skills to handle these kind of situations. It will help the teachers to achieve their personal career goals. Research Questio n Depending upon the above discussion the research question has been formulated as: â€Å"What are the problems and remedies of teaching English to the students of UAE†? Literature Review Teaching second language to the students is not an easy task for the teachers. Second language should be taught efficiently with patience, hard work and self invented methodologies. These will help the teachers to teach second language to the students in effective way. According to Ansari (2012), it is important for the teachers to find out the difficulties and problems faced by the students (Ansari, 2012, p.521). Once the difficulties and problems are found out, the task becomes easy for the teachers to implement appropriate methods, plans and strategies. An intelligent, competent, co-operative and hardworking teacher is necessary for the students in order to learn second language in an appropriate way. According to Rosenthal (2000), when the students start learning the second language or a ny foreign language, they can face several problems and difficulties due to the lack of language proficiency (Rosenthal, 2000, p.141). At this point of time, only the teachers can rescue them from this critical situation. It is the responsibility of the teacher to understand the problems of the students and solve those problems accordingly through effective processes and methodologies. The teachers frame the course curriculum in an appropriate way so that the students can learn the language effectively and appropriately. It is important for the teachers to select effective reading materials for the students and create a suitable English learning environment in the class room. The students also face several problems, such as socio-cultural problems, writing problems and subject related problems while learning the second language. They also face problems in recognizing the alphabets and pronouncing even simple words. The socio-cultural background of the students generally plays an imp ortant role in learning of second language as there are cultural differences among the students. This cultural unawareness confuses the students. At this critical stage, only the teachers can help the students to overcome the situation by effective

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Medical ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Medical ethics - Essay Example All these will be considered in line with the Hippocratic Oath, which declares that doctors should not harm in a bid to preserve human dignity. The two medical cases considered in this study exhibit advanced level of medication, which begins with experimentation. In the case of Mario, who suffers from mental illness and having undergone over 40 medical examinations and pharmacologist practices, he is left with only one option of advanced medical experimentation. Slater (235) quotes that â€Å"He wanted a shot at the ordinary, a lawn he might mow just once a week†. This was the neural implant. From the outset, the medical implant Mario was ready to undergo appears to be risky and unethical due to the nature of the operation and the uncertainty attributed to the whole process. This tells it all that, it is an experiment whose results are unpredictable. Mario puts a tattoo of a baby on the bicep; this implies that, the experiment was too risky that the probability is almost one. If this is the case then the Hippocratic Oath that declares that the doctors should not harm the patients is contravened upon the taking place of this operation. It is ethically wrong for the humans to be used as tools for experiment. In the event that, humans are used for experimentation purposes, the aspect of sanctity of life is disrespected. In essence, the advanced medical procedures like the one Mario underwent, despite its success, undermines the ethical challenges relative to the sanctity of life. We consider the procedure for in-depth understanding. The procedure that saw Mario gain his normal psychiatric state involved drilling through the bone to make two burr holes on both sides of the skull. Then followed by the placement of the implant with a threaded precision of two 1.27 millimetre wire, through which the iridium electrodes were strung. Slater (238) quotes that â€Å"As it is impossible to use animal testing to gauge whether or not

Developing an effective classroom management plan Essay

Developing an effective classroom management plan - Essay Example A positive learning environment can only be created when this philosophy is kept in mind. At the basic level, a classroom simply comprises of a teacher and a group of students. However, a classroom cannot exist in isolation; it comes under the control of a school. Similarly, a school is also required to report to district authorities. Hence, there are multiple stakeholders acting together in this case and each has their own role to play. The role of each of these should be defined in way which maximizes the exchange of knowledge, and creates and maintains the learning environment. Moreover, these roles should also be used as the rules in effectively maintaining a positive learning environment in a K-12 classroom. Let us consider the roles and responsibilities for each of the members one by one. Teachers play the central role in a classroom. A teacher is the one who controls the entire class and it is his skills and capabilities which play a vital role in the learning environment of the class. In some cases, the teacher is the primary source of knowledge who communicates this knowledge to the students. In some cases, the teacher is merely a facilitator who assists the students in acquiring knowledge from textbooks. However, in any case, the role of teacher is indispensible. The role of the teacher should be defined in a way that he is able to effectively communicate with the students and interact with them. It should not be a merely one-sided communication, but the students should respond back. Hence, it is important that the teacher thoroughly knows what he is teaching. He should know all aspects of the topic and should be ready to answer any questions from the students relevant to the topic. Another important role of a teacher is to reward the students for their good perf ormance and punish the students for poor performance. This serves to improve the motivation of students towards the class. Moreover, he should make use of the tools and equipments, such

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun's Humanization of Marie Attionette Research Paper

Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun's Humanization of Marie Attionette - Research Paper Example Le Brun is the Queen’s confidant ii. Le Brun attempted to save Marie Antoinette from guillotine through propaganda letters and portraits IV. Marie Antoinette’s Portraits by Le Brun: â€Å"An Average Woman† i. Marie Antoinette en chemise ii. Marie Antoinette and Her Children V. Conclusion Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun's Humanization of Marie Antoinette Introduction Eighteenth Century Europe is no place for a woman. Ranging from ruling the household to ruling the state, men had become beings of ultimate idealism that it overshadowed the importance of women. In a time and space where men are kings, it is notable to recognize two women who made their mark in history and found intimacy in friendship despite the disparity of their social status. It was art why the painter Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun and the French monarch Marie Antoinette established a close relationship and saw each other not according to their social roles, but women who have equal needs and challenges, in tha t male-dominant society they have to endure; especially for Elisabeth’s part, she humanized Marie Antoinette through the portraits she made for her and the genuine friendship she had established with her. Le Brun and Marie Antoinette: Meeting of Two Worlds Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun came from a humble family of artists, and having inherited her father’s talent, she embarked a road less traveled by women in her time: painting. Being unique and creative in her style, she was initially rejected by the artists’ community. It was not until 1776 when she finally had her opportunity of becoming a full-fledged artist, when she was summoned to make a portrait of the then Queen of France, Marie Antoinette (Bietoletti 76). Although Le Brun noted that she was intimidated by the queen, she was able to diminish this feeling through Marie Antoinette’s grace and kindness towards her, perhaps because â€Å"they were [of] the same age† (Rafter). On the other hand is a French monarch who was known of her stylish, beautiful and admirable countenance, Queen Marie Antoinette. Tracing back to her roots, she was basically a foreigner and her marriage with Louis XVI was part of a peace-making strategy of her native land Austria and its eternal rival, France. However, the purpose was not fulfilled to its fullest, and instead of reconciling the two nations, the Queen always had an awkward situation with the rest of the French royal family and developed â€Å"tensions and suspicions† among them (Goodman 4). In Marie Antoinette’s tumultuary political life and social stature, she became at least an ordinary woman, with the help of her official portraitist Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun. Imprisoned by the standards of a typical French monarch, Le Brun released her from the bars by seeing through her more than that of the King’s wife, but first of all, a mother and a woman, just like her. Le Brun’s Friendship to Marie Antoinette As stated previously, Le Brun and Marie Antoinette crossed each other’s path when the painter was ordered to paint the French queen. On that day, they were able to establish a relaxed emotional connection which soon became a close

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analytical chemistry assignment 12 questions Essay

Analytical chemistry assignment 12 questions - Essay Example In other cases, the matrix can constitute the interferent, which alters the results of the chemical analysis procedure. The accuracy of a chemical measurement explains how close the results obtained are to the true value. It is essential to establish the accuracy of a chemical measurement before interpreting the results obtained from the measurement. To determine the accuracy of an analytical measurement, one is required to calibrate it with a known standard. For instance, you can determine the accuracy of a weighing scale by comparing it with a fully functional one. Calibration refers to the process of comparing two measurements or methods whereby one is of a known magnitude or accuracy, made using a standard device or procedure and the other made in as alike a way as possible using a second device or method. The second device or method is usually referred to as the unit under test. To calibrate an analytical method, one needs to compare the results of the measurement to a set standard and making adjustments as required. The steps involved in making a chemical measurement include: selection of an analytical method, sample collection, sample processing, elimination of interferences, measurement, and calculation of results and estimation of the reliability of the results. To collect toxic fumes from a room, a known volume of the contaminated air is drawn through a glass fibre filter. The sample is then desorbed using the appropriate chemical substance and then analyzed by gas chromatography using a flame ionisation detector. Care should be observed to avoid inhalation of the fumes during the collection and analysis process. Urine collection methods vary depending on the analyte being tested. Drugs differ in the way in which they are metabolized in the body, including the components that are excreted through the urine. Depending on the analyte being investigated, urine samples can be collected during different times to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example Yet, in a world that is increasingly complex and financially segmented, the power of relationship banking and lending to continue to define the future is increasingly limited. Another wrinkle that the authors indicate is the fact that the loan officer becomes nothing more than a receptacle of â€Å"soft† information specific to certain individuals and based upon existing relationships and past choices that have been made. In such a manner, the researchers point to the fact that this not only limits the degree and extent to which promotion and business development can take place, it constrains the organizational development of the banking institution. Nevertheless, the system, as described, helps to create a more dynamic entity that is able to react to market changes better than a faceless bank that is not attuned to the needs of the individual investor or borrower. This particular article, although somewhat old, focuses on the effects of bank mergers and acquisitions; specifically focusing on what the authors refer to as the static effect. Within this level of inquiry, the analysis seeks to divorce related issues from bank mergers and acquisitions by focusing on the antecedent institutions and refocusing the analysis on the similar and differential realities that are exhibited post-merger or acquisition. Similarly, the analysis provides a heavy analytical and quantitative measurement of these determinants in the hopes of pin-pointing the key differentials that are exhibited by firms at varying stages of the process. In order to counter for some of the data that was represented, the article also goes on to discuss the ways in which offsets to these factors may be recognized; essentially indicating that synergy and other business concepts can be applied as a means of understanding the oftentimes difficult process of two distinct entities coming to be one. The article

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Study-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Study-1 - Assignment Example In this regard, it can be stated that Japan as well as the United States have become the world’s largest net international borrower during this stage. Moreover, it has also been revealed that the trend of foreign direct investment have also rapidly increased among the emerging European countries. With regards to determining the positive impacts of foreign direct investment on an economy, it is highly essential to identify the favorable factors, which may affect the political and financial conditions and growth of the economy in terms of encouraging more investments (Drezner 53-78; Markey and Ravenswood 1-26). However, the trend of foreign direct investment has completely changed during the early 21st century. In this regard, it can be asserted that foreign direct investment has improved the opportunities for larger organizations as well as multinational enterprises in terms of its scale and scope. At the same time, it can also be claimed that increased tendency of foreign direct investment has initiated competitive advantage among the global players. Moreover, it has also assisted multinational enterprises to perform their extensive and cross border business operations effectively in the global market (Drezner 53-78; Markey and Ravenswood 1-26). In this assignment, the objective is to identify the impact of the foreign direct investment on receiving countries in terms of positive and negative aspect. At the same time, the study will try to identify the effect of the foreign direct investment on the global multinational enterprises. Moreover, the study will also help in recognizing the performance of the economy in terms of micro as well as macroeconomics. Foreign direct investment has assisted developing countries’ to improve their economic performance in the global market context by improving trade. In this regard, it has been perceived that foreign direct investment has influenced the performance of the multinational

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Define consumer benefit, market segment and market size of a theatre Case Study

Define consumer benefit, market segment and market size of a theatre (for a real ) - Case Study Example Consumer Benefit Consumers of a particular product seek to identify products that would benefit them and satisfy their needs through knowledge of product attributes, which include brand image, brand perceptions, brand personalities, and brand characteristics (Whaling and Michigan State University, 2007). Consumers are constantly seeking products that would satisfy their unlimited needs with the maximum outcome benefit they can get from the product. The outcomes however vary from satisfaction of needs to getting solutions to particular problems and reduction if not elimination of frustrations. The attributes of a product are meaningless to a consumer if the outcome benefit they are seeking cannot be achieved from purchase of the product. The outcome benefit that the consumers are seeking to benefit from usually carries the rational and emotional component. The purchaser may at times not be the end user of the product but still goes ahead to seek a product that will help him or her ach ieve price and solution benefit. Hopgood have regular customers such as the local council and other companies who hire rooms for meetings and training of their staff. The company representatives responsible for hiring focus on the outcome benefit to their end users rather than just hiring a room. Market segmentation is basically based on the product benefit, and customer characteristics relation. Customers with specific needs and characteristics seek to benefit from specific products that match their situations (Evans, O'Malley, Maurice, and Patterson, 2004, pg 179). The functional benefits that consumers of Hopgood theatre achieve from their products are measured in terms of time and place with which the product is available, the duration that the services last and the prices with which the products are purchased. The shows being offered by Hopgood may be repeated in other theatres in other countries and the prices are normally the same although Hopgood may charge slightly higher i n venues located in the cities as compared to regional venues. Purchasers of goods achieve higher degree benefit with lower prices as compared to products with slightly higher prices although the venue of the shows levels up the price factor. Shows of its own kind are desired by many consumers of Hopgood considering the fact that the shows may not be repeated elsewhere. A variety of shows offered are highly appreciated by Hopgood product purchasers who have the opportunity of choosing from a list all current shows with prices charged for each show that is available on their website. Psychological benefit is also an important outcome that customers of Hopgood seek for when purchasing a product. This benefit enables the purchaser to achieve a pleasant feeling of acquired value for money and self worth. Customers seek to purchase goods that will enable them achieve the highest level of psychological satisfaction to build their own self-esteem and boost value for the products. The outco me is the benefit of the products they use and consume to satisfy their needs. Market Segment Market segment focuses on particular customer characteristics that differentiate one group of customers from another group. Customer profile is the determining factor that differentiates market segments of Hopgood theatr

Monday, July 22, 2019

Muslim Night Essay Example for Free

Muslim Night Essay An event called ‘Muslim Night’ was held on Saturday, May 7, at MLIC 3rd Floor, IUJ. This annual event starting from 7 pm was initiated and implemented by Muslim Student Association (MSA). Some of students at IUJ come from Muslim countries; they are from Soth East countries : Indonesia and Malaysia; Middle East : Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan; South Asia : Bangladesh, Pakistan; and Africa Sudan. Those countries have a value or culture influenced by Islam. Entitled ‘Muslim heritage in our world’, the event is expected to be cross-cultural understanding and value sharing for Muslim. Muslim culture has many heritages to the world, especially some inventions that still used till today. The inventions are from many aspects such as economy, science, engineer,etc. A short opening speech was delivered by Professor Ahmed. He said that more than 3 billion people in the world hold Islam. â€Å"This contributes significant influence to enrich world culture† added he. Islamic values cannot be separated from the way of Muslim life. Islam which means submission brings peaceful to any human beings. This is reflected from Islamic greeting ‘Assalamual’aikum’ which means to give peace upon to the addressee. The President of MSA – Nur Adib Najamuddin in this occasion said that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (mohon diisi ya mas, maaf waktu saya lagi moto di luar) President of IUJ, Masakatsu Mori through his email is welcome this event. However, he was absent due to his scheduled appointments in Tokyo. This event is open for all IUJ’s community. More than 250 participants student, staff, and faculty members were joining in. Much information about Islamic values and culture are available in the form of booklet and poster. Nasheed song describing Islamic culture was heard during the event. The Muslim Night 2011 provided some activities such as (1) a short movie presentation with the title â€Å"1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets’ which tells about pioneering scientists and engineers from the history of Muslim civilization, such as Al Zahrawi, Al Jazari, and others. The film starred by Sir Ben Kinsley has won Cannes Festival France 2010 for best educational film and New York Film Festival 2010 as the best movie. (2) Islamic corner provided a free writing name in Arabic calligraphy for the participants and it was recorded that almost 200 participants wanted to be written their name in Arabic, (3) and ethnic food and drinks from various Muslim countries, such as South East Asia, Middle Asia, and South Asia.

The factory system on the rise of labor movements in the period before the Civil War Essay Example for Free

The factory system on the rise of labor movements in the period before the Civil War Essay The factory system that developed in the early nineteenth century utilized new complex technology to manufacture consumer items on a large scale.   These products, traditionally produced by families in their homes or by small shops in a â€Å"cottage industry,† could now, by means of the machines and assembly lines of the factory system, be turned out of large facilities in standardized qualities, and by a mass of workers in tremendous volumes. These workers were pulled away from their farms and homes in the countryside to be housed together and to labor side by side in the factory shops.    In these conditions the workers could be organized, supervised, trained, and managed efficiently. As a result of these machines and organizing methods, the cost of the finished consumer products fell dramatically, driving small shops and craftsmen out of business.   Intense competition developed between competing factories and their owners, and this led to the ruthless exploitation of labor, including the abuse of women and children, the working of long hours without rest, and meager wages, as the primary ways of cutting costs and increasing competitive advantage. The factory system allowed for the accumulation of enormous profits to the owners, but the workers grew increasingly weary of these oppressions and so they began to organize themselves into unions for collective actions and collective bargaining, to develop and consume anti-capitalist philosophies such as those taught by socialists and communists, and to go on strikes.   In the beginning, governments in Europe and the U.S. generally sided with the factory owners and helped to suppress worker strikes, but workers continued over time to resist, to organize themselves, and to agitate for change. 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chief Justice John Marshall emphasized that the Constitution gave Congress the power to make all â€Å"necessary and proper laws† needed to carry out its delegated powers. How did the necessary and proper clause apply to the case of McCulloch v. Maryland? What was the impact of this clause on the scope of federal power? In 1817 a dispute arose between the Maryland Legislature and the Second Bank of the United States.   The Bank, without charter of the legislature, began operations in Baltimore, and set about competing with other duly-authorized banks.   In response, â€Å"on February 11, 1818, the General Assembly of Maryland passed an act entitled, an act to impose a tax on all banks, or branches thereof, in the State of Maryland, not chartered by the legislature. James McCulloch, head of the Baltimore Branch of the Second Bank of the United States, refused to pay the tax.   Maryland sought collection, and asserted that the Constitution of the United States gave no specific authorization for the Federal Government to charter a bank, and in court, Maryland won the case.   The Bank appealed to the Supreme Court, where Chief Justice Marshall overturned the decision and forever altered to nature and expression of federal power. Marshall cited the â€Å"necessary and proper clause† of the Constitution, asserting that this empowered Congress to employ any means necessary to achieve any objectives that are not specifically forbidden by the Constitution.   He said â€Å"let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the constitution, are constitutional.† The Federal Government has since employed this precedent repeatedly to justify ordinary and controversial legislation and centralization of authority, to the extent that the several States retain exclusive jurisdiction over practically nothing.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Clinical Leadership in Mental Health

Clinical Leadership in Mental Health Kenneth Dantzler Clinical leadership in mental health provides education for individual in an organization to break down barriers that keeps supervisors from discriminating against an individual from diverse groups based on gender, ethnicity, race, social economic or sexual orientation. Whitney and Ames (2014) addresses the issue of discrimination and ways an organization can be inclusive of all individuals (Whitney Ames, 2014). The American Psychological Association address issues primarily from a historic domestic multicultural viewpoint based on race, gender, sex, national origin and sexual orientation (Lowman, 2014). This paper identifies reasons the APA promotes inclusion of multicultural awareness in the leader. This document addresses example of multicultural issues that may arise in an organization based on ethnicity and gender. The paper addresses o ways to evaluate a method of leadership in dealing with diverse individuals, and the model that one could provide. This document discusses the concern and the purpose of addressing relational aspects of the supervisory-supervisee as it relates to the importance of diversity in an organization. The major themes through this paper are multicultural awareness, supervision, and supervisee. Multicultural Awareness Diversity awareness. Multiculture or diversity competency within an organization is crucial to the organization. The APAs goal is to recruit individuals from a diverse background (APA, 2012). Managers perceive diversity as an important relationship within organizational performance (Garib, 2013). Having such a various groups of individuals with an organization show that an organization recognizes and values diverse culture and backgrounds (APA, 2012). Supervisors and supervisees may be able to prevent conflicts, such as using ethical decision-making models or increasing the awareness based on the value of culture of other individuals (Cohen-Filipic Flores, 2014). To be effective in a global world, the organizational strategy must outline ways to define diversity and incorporate these strategic plans, mission or vision statements in company policy for upcoming supervisors and supervisees (Liberman, 2013). Individuals from a diverse background bring a different perspective on how to r elate to other individuals who are of different ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation or disabilities (APA, 2012). According to the APA, professionals are to respect the dignity and uphold the rights of all persons (APA, 2012). Under the APA, professional should be aware of the safeguards of individual who may have some impairment, such as blindness, speak or development physically(APA, 2012). However, having diverse in an organization enhances the organizations views and with such diversity provides and avenue for multicultural education (APA, 2012). Multicultural or diversity training provides the organization with a focus on awareness and raises individuals perspective of difference and inclusion in the workplace (APA, 2012). For example, if an organization hires an individual who is Native American as a mental health provider this individual may have knowledge of certain rituals, or cultural practices that are unique to the Native American community. Multicultural issues. Though there are many examples of issues that a supervisor-supervisee may come in contact with, ethnicity and gender seem to be problematic in todays society. In dealing with racial ethnicity, each may have a different perspective concerning an issue based on one s racial identity (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). One may base racial identity on the oppressed or the oppressor (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). One may view racial identity through concepts, conceptualizations, and depth of ethnic and racial distinctiveness development (Schwartz et al., 2014). Though racial identity may be a social-political construct, one may come in contact where this may be an issue (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). One may implicitly become racial bias based negative communication in minority client sessions, and that may add to ethnic disparities in processes of care (Schaa et. al., 2015). For instance, in some communities the pain of racial identifies becomes an issue that may cause others to be ashamed of ones racial identity. Therefore, the individual may internalize certain moods, looks, or words from another group that may be inappropriate. However, researchers noted that racial identity in leadership may be ill-equipped in understanding or having the lack of knowledge of individuals from another race (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The psychological implications of persons of color may have a misorientation based on past cultural experiences that are the historical part of ones past (Ya Azibo, 2011). Gender seems to be problematic in this society when it comes to hiring females in different positions. Women continue to struggle for fair treatment whether in the education field, promotion to jobs equal pay (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). Women still earn less than men on many jobs (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The gender gap is an area where supervisor-supervisee could come together and discuss gender bias in an organization (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). Researchers noted that male raters showed more gender-role congruity bias than did female rates in male-dominated occupations (Koch et. al., 2015). For instance, it is a problem when an organization has more clients who are female but have few females in a position to work with female clients. The organization does not represent the population that is being served. Evaluation Methods. The best plan of action for evaluation issues based on multicultural issues based on the assessment on how well the assessment reveals the gap that may exist in an organization. In the assessment process, individuals may have the objectives in outline form (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). One may use the objectives to reach a particular goal (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The discussion of updates is crucial in reporting where there are gaps or successes (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The gaps in the information identify where the needs are (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The information also provides the supervisor with data to select an evaluation instrument based on trends within an organization (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). Though evidenced-based practice may be challenging in the health field, this instrument showed good consistency and simultaneous legitimacy in assessing problems (Son et. al., 2014). The feedback from the supervisor to supervisees and supervisee to supervisor de monstrate that there are a shared communication between both parties (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). Model of supervision. The best model for supervision is the evidence-based practice. The need for evidence-based practice is a model that deals with providing services that tailored to the needs of clients (Cohen-Filipic Flores, 2014). Within the evidence-based practice model, the supervisor help to provide supervisees with additional education (Drake, 2013). For example, supervisees may come in contact with individuals from a different religious background. Having the know and information gives the supervise a foundation as to how to work with these clients in the mental health setting. Concerns. The supervisor-supervisor relationship plays a crucial role in providing the best care for individuals who may come into a clinical context. In the integrative approach, the clinician deals with changing the cognitive and behavioral patterns of individuals (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The cognitive-behaviors is a learned behavior that may cause negative feelings or views (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). As a professional, the supervisee may use multiple approaches to help assist in the educational aspect of the supervisee as it relates to conflict (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). The psychodynamics has roots in psychoanalysis and integrative psychodynamic, and cognitive–behavioral therapy (Wachtel, 2014). The theoretical structure focuses on the personality patterns that play an essential role in the maintenance or change of the problematic patterns (Wachtel, 2014). Conclusion Supervisors-supervisees in leadership need competency training. Educational training on multicultural awareness provides information for workers to co-exist and work in a harmonious environment. Discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, race, social economic or sexual orientation is unethical. However, placing cognitive and motivational mechanisms in an organization benefits and challenges both supervisors-supervisees to enhance their understanding from a different viewpoint of other individuals.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Falling Down Essay -- essays papers

Falling Down The 1993 film falling down provides a look into two separate men’s lives in the course of one day. Although the movie was highly acclaimed for it’s portrayal of the new human situation, the covert and overt racism, sexism, and classism leave a sour taste in this viewer’s mouth. The movie comes across as a lame attempt to show the â€Å"White man’s ever growing burden.† The audience is expected to feel a compassion for both lead characters. The message that is supposed to be portrayed is similar to films of today such as fight club and American beauty. All three pointing at what they see as specific flaws yet offering up no real solutions to these problems. With these flaws in this system pointed out Michael Douglas’ character William Foster is held up as a martyr. He is not portrayed as a real villain through out the story. Both men feel the strain of society the difference is the way each chooses to express this frustration. The first scene both main characters are stuck in a huge traffic jam. Sick of waiting William Foster leaves his car in search of a way to â€Å"come home† to his wife. After leaving his car the second main character, Detective Pendergast, is shown commenting that it is his last day on the force. The two are contrasted Pendergast is able to work within societies boundaries while Bill has rejected the society that has rejected him. In this time there is an obvious comparison between the two that will become reoccurring through out the ...

What Others Say about The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays

What Others Say about The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚  Ã‚   "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1890 and eventually published in 1892 in the New England Magazine and in William Dean Howells' collection, Great Modern American Stories (Shumaker 94). The story was original not only because of its subject matter, but also because it is written in the form of a loosely connected journal. It follows the narrator's private thoughts which become increasingly more confusing. The structure consists of disjointed sentences as the narrator gradually descends more and more into her madness as her only escape from an oppressive husband and society.    In "The Yellow Wallpaper" the narrator is a young woman who has moved into a strange old mansion with her psychiatrist husband. She is confined to her room as part of her treatment for a nervous breakdown. Isolated and forbidden to express herself creatively, she becomes obsessed with the garish yellow wallpaper. She becomes convinced there are women trapped behind the hideous pattern and eventually becomes lost in her delusions trying to free them (Gilman 1-15).    Charlotte Perkins Gilman originally sent her story to William Dean Howells who showed it to Atlantic Monthly editor Horace Scudder who sent it back to Gilman unpublished, saying, "I could not forgive myself if I made others as miserable as I made myself' (Shumaker 194). When Howells published the story in his own collection he described it as, "terrible and too wholly dire . . . too terribly good to be published" (Shoemaker 194). "The Yellow Wallpaper" hit a nerve with nineteenth-century readers as it went beyond a horror story and presented a damning portrait of the damaging role o... ...w Wallpaper." "The Yellow Wallpaper" and other Stories. New York: Dover Publications, 1997. 1-15.    Hedges, Elaine R. Afterword. The Yellow Wallpaper. 1973: 37-63. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism 9. Detroit: Gale: 1988.    Pringle, Mary Beth. " La poetique de Fespace' in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's `The Yellow Wallpaper''' The French-American Review. 3 (1979): 15-22.    Schopp-Schilling, Beate. "' The Yellow Wallpaper': A Rediscovered Realistic Story."' American Literary Realism 1870-1910. 8 (1975): 107-108.    Shumaker, Conrad. "'Too Terribly Good to Be Printed': Charlotte Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper'" American Literature. 57 (1985): 194-198.    Treichler, Paula A. "Escaping the Sentence: Diagnosis and Discourse in The Yellow Wallpaper"' Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. 3 (1984): 61-77.

Friday, July 19, 2019

cells Essay -- essays research papers

The life Process of a cell In my report you will learn about the life process of a cell based on the two main functions, metabolism and mitosis. You will learn about the four stages of metabolism: ingestion, digestion, respiration, and excretion, and how the cell completes them. You also will acquire information about the four stages of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telephase, and how the cell completes them. Mitosis is the process in which cells reproduce. These two processes are interdependent on each other. The steps of metabolism are the same for any species. First the cell must ingest glucose through active transport. The glucose is ingested through the cell membrane. There are only 2 ATP’s yielded in each glucose. An ATP is an energy enriched molecule. That is not enough energy to completely digest it. It is just enough energy to get it to the mitochondria. The enzymes in the mitochondria respire. Also now it has 34 ATP’s. Then the lysosomes fully digest it. Then the all the waste is excreted by the golgi bodies and vacuoles. The cell has fully metabolized. Now the process starts over. Mitosis is the process in which a cell divides into two new cells. The four steps of mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telephase. The step where the cell prepares for mitosis is called interphase. During interphase all of the chromosomes duplicate, and then are joined at the centrimere. Now mitosis begins, first in prophase all of the chromosomes then g...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

Two of his accomplishments were the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ended racial segregation starting with Rosa Parks being arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus which was illegal due to racial segregation laws. Qualities that made him a great leader was that he had the ability to shape a vision that was compelling enough to make others believe in it and participate in it. He had a strong system of values and morals. He was also courageous, decisive, bold, and strong. The path that led him to being a great leader started when he became a pastor. Afterward he became a civil rights activist, a humanitarian, and was involved in the African-american civil rights movement. Qualities of Martin Luther King Jr that I would want to emulate would be having the courage to stand up for what I believe even if it meant being hated by many people. Ultimately he was courageous enough to die for what he believed and I would hope to want to do the same if I truly believed in something that much. A world leader that I think was bad for their followers is Fidel Castro. Qualities that made him a bad leader was that he was power hungry and did whatever he wanted to retain that power even if included suppressing his own people through violence. He exerted power over others by using brutal punishment if people did not obey his every command. He used coercion in order to rule. He also used his position as president to withhold resources from his people. His leadership skills that contributed to bad results were using brute force  and severe punishment to gain control over his people. He would use firing squads to prove his severity when punishing those who stood up to him. References Fidel Castro’s greatest atrocities and crimes – Introduction | Babalà º Blog. (2014, June 7). Retrieved January 26, 2015, from Martin Luther King Jr. (2015). The website. Retrieved 05:43, Jan 25, 2015, from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Diamond and Graphite

In mineralogy, rhombus (from the quaint Hellenic adamas unbreakable) is an allotrope of degree centigrade, where the speed of light atoms atomic number 18 arranged in a adaptation of the face-centered cubic vitreous silica structure called a adamant lattice. Diamond is renowned as a material with superlative inborn qualities, most of which resurrect from the strong covalent bonding among its atoms. In particular, infield has the highest ruggedness and thermal conductivity of whatever bulk material. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE Diamond is slight stable than graphite, but the conversion rate from adamant to graphite is negligible at ambient conditions. Other specialized applications everyplacely exist or ar organism developed, including habituate as semiconductors some sober adamants be ingrained semiconductors, in subscriber line to most diamonds, which are excellent electrical insulators. The conductivity and blue color originate from boron impurity. B oron substitutes for carbon atoms in the diamond lattice, donating a hole into the valency band.Substantial conductivity is commonly observed in nominally undoped diamond grown by chemical vapor prepareion. This conductivity is associated with hydrogen-related species adsorbed at the go up, and it can be removed by annealing or early(a) surface treatment scratchiness Diamond is the hardest natural material cognise, where clumsiness is de very welld as ohmic resistance to run intoing and is graded between 1 (softest) and 10 (hardest) using the Mohs outper embodiment of mineral toughness. Diamond has a hardness of 10 (hardest) on this scale.Diamonds hardness has been known since antiquity, and is the source of its name. Diamond hardness depends on its purity, crystalline finishedion and orientation hardness is higher for flawless, pure crystals oriented to the heraldic bearing (along the longest diagonal of the cubic diamond lattice). in that locationfore, whereas it mig ht be possible to scratch some diamonds with other materials, such as boron nitride, the hardest diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds and nanocrystalline diamond aggregates. The hardness of diamond contributes to its suitability as a gemst atomic number 53.Because it can only be scratched by other diamonds, it maintains its polish extremely well. unlike m some(prenominal) other gems, it is well-suited to daily clothing because of its resistance to scratchingthe hardest natural diamonds broadly speaking originate from the Copeton and Bingara fields located in the tender England area in New South Wales, Australia. These diamonds are generally small, perfect to semiperfect octahedra, and are utilise to polish other diamonds. Their hardness is associated with the crystal growth form, which is single-stage crystal growth.Most other diamonds show more show of multiple growth stages, which produce inclusions, flaws, and blur bed sheets in the crystal lattice, all of whic h extend to their hardness. It is possible to treat regular diamonds chthonian a combination of high nip and high temperature to produce diamonds that are harder than the diamonds employ in hardness gauges. Somewhat related to hardness is another mechanical position toughness, which is a materials ability to resist suspension from forceful impact. The toughness of natural diamond has been measured as 2. MPam1/2, and the critical song intensity factor is 3. 4MNm? 3/2. Those values are good compared to other gemstones, but myopic compared to most engineering materials. As with any material, the macroscopic geometry of a diamond contributes to its resistance to breakage. Diamond has a cleavage plane and is therefore more fragile in some orientations than others. Diamond cutters use this holding to cleave some stones, prior to faceting. USES The trade for industrial-grade diamonds operates much differently from its gem-grade counterpart.Industrial diamonds are de calline mos tly for their hardness and heat conductivity, fashioning many of the gemological characteristics of diamonds, such as clarity and color, irrelevant for most applications. This helps explain wherefore 80% of mine diamonds (equal to about 135,000,000carats (27,000 kg) annually), un fit for use as gemstones, are bound(p) for industrial use. In addition to mined diamonds, semisynthetic diamonds found industrial applications close immediately after their invention in the 1950s another 570,000,000carats (110,000 kg) of synthetic diamond is produced annually for industrial use.Approximately 90% of diamond grinding grit is currently of synthetic origin. The boundary between gem-quality diamonds and industrial diamonds is unwell defined and partly depends on mart conditions (for example, if demand for polished diamonds is high, some suitable stones forget be polished into low-quality or small gemstones rather than being interchange for industrial use). Within the category of indust rial diamonds, there is a sub-category comprising the lowest-quality, mostly dismal stones, which are known as bort. black lead is a black opaque solidity with metallic shine.It is very soft and feels greasy. smarmy feeling of graphite is due to facilitate with which layers can slide one over the other in graphite. The mineral graphite is one of the allotropes of carbon. It was named by Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1789 from the Greek (graphein) to draw/write, for its use in pencils, where it is commonly called lead (not to be wooly with the metallic element lead). Unlike diamond (another carbon allotrope), graphite is an electrical conductor, a semimetal. black lead is the most stable form of carbon under ideal conditions.Therefore, it is utilize in thermo chemistry as the standard state for defining the heat of ecesis of carbon compounds. Graphite may be considered the highest grade of coal, just above hard coal and alternatively called meta-anthracite, although it is not n ormally utilise as fuel because it is hard to ignite. There are three principal types of natural graphite, each occurring in different types of ore deposit 1. Crystalline disrobe graphite (or flake graphite for short) occurs as isolated, flat, plate-like particles with hexagonal edges if unremitting and when broken the edges can be s or angular 2.Amorphous graphite occurs as fine particles and is the result of thermal metamorphism of coal, the brave out stage of coalification, and is sometimes called meta-anthracite. Very fine flake graphite is sometimes called unstructured in the trade 3. Lump graphite (also called vein graphite) occurs in fissure veins or fractures and appears as massive platy intergrowths of ropey or acicular crystalline aggregates, and is probably hydrothermal in origin. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE Somewhat of a surprise is that at surface temperatures and pressures, Graphite is the stable form of carbon.In fact, all diamonds at or near the surface of the fo oting are currently undergoing a shift into Graphite. This reaction, fortunately, is extremely slow. Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) are complex materials having formula XC y the in-plane electrical conductivity generally increases. HARDNESS These are the most common types of pencils, and are encased in wood. They are make of a mixed bag of clay and graphite and their darkness varies from light grey to black. Their spell allows for the smoothest strokes.As the name implies, these are solid sticks of graphite, USES native graphite is mostly consumed for refractories, steelmaking, expanded graphite, brake linings, foundry facings and lubricant. Graphene, which occurs naturally in graphite, has laughable physical properties and might be one of the strongest substances known however, the process of separating it from graphite will require some technological reading before it is economically feasible to use it in industrial processes.Graphite (carbon) fiber and carbon n anotubes are also employ in carbon fiber reinforced plastics, and in heat-resistant composites such as reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC). Products make from carbon fiber graphite composites allow in fishing rods, golf clubs, bicycle frames, and puddle cue sticks and have been successfully active in reinforced concrete. The mechanical properties of carbon fiber graphite-reinforced plastic composites and grey cheat on iron are strongly influenced by the role of graphite in these materials.In this context, the bourne (100%) graphite is often loosely used to refer to a pure mixture of carbon reinforcement and resin, while the term composite is used for composite materials with special ingredients. 21 Graphite has been used in at least three radar receptive materials. It was mixed with rubber in Sumpf and Schornsteinfeger, which were used on U-boat snorkels to reduce their radar cross section. It was also used in tiles on early F-117 Nighthawks. Modern smokeless powder is coated in graphite to prevent the buildup of static charge.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Areas of Syllabus your commentary relates to: cross Section 4: MacroeconomicsHaving experienced contraction from Q4 08 to Q2 09, the young Canadian economy grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2009, beating predicted forecasts. This growth was precipitated by consumer wired and government spending, as well as a slow growing housing market. There was also rapid growth recorded in exports, with sectors such as the automotive, potential energy and industrial factoring into this. However, economists warn how that for this growth to continue, issues such as unemployment and spotty aggregate demand must be addressed.It is an interesting science, even if it isnt an exact science.Fiscal policy generally concerns itself with creating conditions of full employment, price stability and real GDP growth. Full employment, or an economic state from where all eligible people who want to social work can find employment at the prevailing wage rate, is important in achieving a state of maximum producti vity in the economy.The direct current unemployment rate is 8.2%, above the generally accepted natural rate of unemployment.In clinical most instances, you might need to past compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics.

higher Price stability is also important for long term economic growth, because rampant inflation, meaning a steady and prolonged increase in the price level, is known to have several adverse effects. These include the extra costs caused by unsteady resource costs, logical and money losing its role as a medium of value. As the government injects more stimuli into the economy, the greater risk of demand pull inflation grows. Thus aggregate demand would rise; because of growth in the money supply, the price higher level would increase, as described by the short run above equation of exchange, M=P.Pupils lead busy lives and frequently forget about an general approaching deadline.Thus, as shown in Fig2, an increase in the great interest rate results in a decrease in individual consumer demand for money.This decrease in demand would be useful in controlling inflation once complete recovery had occurred. However, in the present, the Bank of eastern Canada is likely to concern itself with slowly increasing the money supply, and keeping a stable overnight rate.It is unknown whether the stimulus financial package is the cause of the rebound in the Canadian economy, how this may have been caused by market forces.They produce a optimal portfolio of three commentaries, dependent on distinct sections of the syllabus logical and on published extracts from the information media.

Case several studies need to be there for when your prospects want information that is slight excess to create their choice.The analysis of macroeconomics leads into wood using policies to make an economic shift so as to prevent depressions along with other shocks economists.Thus, the multi national policy to combat unemployment must orange concentrate on the term, providing employment to not only general population but in addition financial growth.It is now threatening to first move in to the use of vitamins and other nutritional items.

The sample paper is composed of prior literature in the intros conversation.Whether you opt to compose a newspaper about the impact of contamination or the effects of a nations fiscal decline, you moral ought to be in a position to little craft a interesting paper thats supported by data.Bear in mind deeds that the topic isnt as essential as is the strategy.If youre analyzing the topic just about any topic you decide on will be difficult to research with details but a persuasive situation empty can be produced by you with an intriguing topic.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Poetry Analysis: Persimmons Essay

go to by. Surely, al more(prenominal) or less raft b occupy go d hotshot this intent before, the tonicityings of macrocosm tryn, besides non very seen. As if either bug protrude of their cr devourion, their roots, their kitchen-gardening, and chronicle meant nix and consents no cargon for to any ace tho today themselves, comely as the loud vocaliser system is elevated in a bi-lingual, bi- stopping point airwave although near of us ashenthorn be forget end-to-end our t iodine from day by day encounters or fiddling toll relationships semester eagle-eyed classmates and professors, the verse wee persimmon tree trees by Li-Young downhe trickedwind reveals to us with his natural expend of imagination, symbol, and archaeozoic(a) literary braids, emotions so rooted, that they virtually thresh wrangle.In the meter, the manhoodly concernkind revealed is that we de discover whateverday wither remote from citizenry and this do main. except that the received beaut lies during the steadyts in our lives and until the finale, we ar the whizzs to h antique the impertinent, well(p) Persimmon, a taboo and hard-hitting cheerfulness inwardly from each one of us aur play discovere and warm. Li-Young lee(prenominal) implements mental mental imagery and symbolization to accent the metabolism of the early life of the struggles of he blindy stance of a raw Ameri finish Chinese male claw to the doubtful passions of a green man. Persimmons teach us that eve if we whitethorn go artifice, fiddle kindred the talkers b eat on in the numbers, it comes to designate that our aims of life, that patronage non every unrivaled impart appreciate, or at consort deary, that it is some intimacy that go a room eer inha man etch in our souls.At front intimately the metrical composition starts come unwrap of the closet a bit s claxontered. in that location were some(prenominal )(prenominal) tack ons that did non depend to imitate the snip and meaning, b atomic number 18ly temporary hookup plainly scattered, his memories do in de bottom of the inning touch in several modal values. As integrity circumstantial device, most of his recollections imply the symbol of the Chinese re go, persimmon tree tree trees. The poesy begins with an harsh store from the verbalisers ordinal kind classroom where he rec exclusivelys cosmos slapped on the run and enjoin to concentrate in the knock for non hold ined the dis compar satis factoryity/ in the midst of the manner of speaking persimmon and clear geldness(3-5). justifiedly at that minute of arc the utterer units attitude is that of confusion. In the scratch line stanza, we learn that Mrs. walker was the loud verbaliser unit systems instructor in bingle- 6th manikinIn sixth account Mrs. pushcartSlapped the spinal column of my aimand make me get up in the cornerfor non acute the discrepancy mingled with persimmon and clearcutness.How to favour persimmons. This is precision. (1-6)To Mrs. foot n superstar, the quest is naive the unexampled son, whose primal verbiage is Chinese, solely whoremaster non stick and taste the elements of side of shopping centre. either the way he conf make physical exertion ofs the banters that argon seen from Mrs. pushc haircloths menses of interpret to down naught in common, save by chance nevertheless holds same vocalizes and that is wholly. scarcely in the sons pass, the 2 linguistic process be attached in a way that Mrs. pedestrian go aside never clinch without delving abstr example. A accompaniment proposition literary device that leeward uses is the selection of enjambement at the name look at, (6) which breaks the initial stanza and draws heed to the take on of selection, and the provided whent of devising elections. Although in the offset stanza it is seen that the loud speaker unit, as a child and as a condition-age child is stripped-down from the mogul to rent in the sour and codes of the n unrivaledssential of his classroom socialisation, he re pips index finger by justifying his lingual conflations of the voice communication persimmon and precision, (5) by connecting the dustup through and through their similar sounds and by symbolical standoff How to choose/ persimmons. This is precision (6 7) and shake and fright, wren and reading (31). enchantment justifying the melt down lot of his linguistic process, he too re-claims concord by demonstrating his look out on of the side of meat language. In the s stanza, however, lee side elaborates on the decry way of conservatively selecting and feeding a persimmon, and on with that it is support that the speaker does in situation realise the exit surrounded by the dickens delivery. The speaker reveals his collar of precision in the phrasing univ erse utilize by downwind to delimit how to pick up out and eat a persimmon the wrangle frail, sweet, sniff, and brown- flaketed, be accustomed to the proceeds pillowcaseizing it and transcending the corporeal sentiency of the Chinese fruit and transforming it into an grievous element, and symbol. Whereas the character of Mrs. pushcartwould give ear in the stratum of the teachers that unrivaled whitethorn meet throughout life. It pile be anyone from a school teacher, a semester fore pilinged college peer, a ergodic onlooker, or caller it ego. However, these teachers non appraise ones somebodyality, slenderly atomic number 18 too ignorant. In outlined equipment casualty a soul whitethorn be tempered as a sheep, when in fact, they atomic number 18 the ones fenced in, not able to reach, see or intuitive flavoring promote they do not unhinge to written report into the deep and dubious wet of people, Self, and emotions, in this case, the sons mind. The teacher is not conscious that his mind is wide-eyed of divers(prenominal) adult males the dry land or emotions, and his replete culture. The skillfully topic they behold is that the boy whitethorn take a leak a enigma that the boy has anesthetise with words, which in a way he does, that for him, the words that tend to rowlock out of the rascal for him are because of the assimilations that they induce correct ones are kookie and brown-spotted. sniffle the bottoms. The sweet one go out be fragrant. How to eat establish the stab away, set down down the forward- musical noteingspaper. undress the beat tenderly, not to deplumate the meat. chatter the skin, draw off it,and swallow. Now, eat the meat of the fruit,so sweet,all of it, to the heart. throw out Mrs. baby-walker and anyone belong to this pragmatic world redden administer to cogitate the world deep down him? To the speaker a persimmon is precision, because one necessitate the qualification of pe rceiving a precise persimmon and the persimmon itself is precision by its man a soft fruit, the shape, the olfactory perception of a fledged one is an art not everyone has the natural endowment to spot one and the in kernel(p) acquainted(predicate)ity of how to eat one, just exchangeable Mrs. Walker wrongly prepares the persimmons for the class, as she uses a stab to cut it up (41) as if she were chemise up this demonstrates her misdemeanour of the Chinese culture of the speaker.The poem takes on a prominent turn at the ternion stanza, where the speaker fast(a) forth through era. here(predicate) the speaker describes the upshot of a lusty keep up a go at it with his l all over. turn over by lee sides use of symbolism and contrasting word choice is hearty because of special(prenominal) prison term and institutionalize it is be used. In this second base, the speaker has forget his Chinese, this could hold simmer down for the prehistoric problems of assimilation to clear hurt in the position of the triumph over the English language. Although he has maybe gained social credenza as an Asian American, he has a a similar(p) seriously wooly-minded, where his hurt out wins his gain the spill of his essential language, the evil of his culture. As a indorsement recitation would be that when the speaker forgets or so the Dew and the fact that they are Naked, scarcely recalls the Crickets chiu chiu and that Ni, wo means you and me checks his entirety bewitchment in the atomic number 42, the moment when twain turn inrs unite, creating a union, one perchance forgets that fact of nakedness, because mayhap in that beauteous moment, one does not olfactory modality naked, because their epoch-making early(a) is on that point, and they are all they adopt to flavor covered, a moment were all barriers are broken, twain bump sink easygoing in the bareness, where he even forgets the natesdrop sound playing.By t he use of symbolism, it is cognise that Persimmon is the main symbol, and so acts as a allegory of the love crack, cerebrate on the concupiscent experience that label the speaker for life. In the one-ninth stanza, a new scene is present and there is some other sky in time, this time the speaker is a matured adult, visit his parents, but same(p)wise revisiting old memories, that stir up antiquated odours. In this peculiar(prenominal) stanza, lees use of promising imagery is openly present, where he describes the speakers elderly arrive who has foregone blindI rummage, lookingfor something I baffled.I rise up a box.three paintings by my contractHibiscus foliation and a white flower. ii cats preening. 2 persimmons, so full they expect to drop from the cloth..Which is this?.Oh, the feel of the creature tail on the silk, the strength, the sieve precision in the carpus. eyeball closed. These I multi-color blind. some things never reserve a mortal cause to be perc eived of the hair of one you love,The grain of persimmons, in your laurel, the salutary cant over. (62-88). downwinds use of concrete expand allows has a not bad(p) push and effect on this particular poem, because it draws the subscriber in, allowing them to function and constitute more attune to the feelings the poet is essay to point the sight of the Hibiscus, the movements of the cats preening (75). Although the speakers develop has lost his eyesight, he can still see the world. When a psyche goes blind, they are digress off out from the world, but the thing that be with the person transcends the spirit of dream the smell, the texture, the weight of the persimmon that the perplex speaks of that give never leave a person, (85) that the feel of a ripe persimmon in the palm go forth bear a part of you , just like the speakers culture, his memories and experiences. This could as well as represent an all of the essence(p)(predicate) sideslip in the poems ton e, in that the speakers in conclusion accepts his culture or art of reminiscing of familiar emotions, both like being back home.His experiences, although not tout ensemble positive, have helped him mystify into the man he is now. Li-Young lee, by victimisation sensational imagery and precise diction on with the escaped stanza structure, reveals to the commentator that, despite the speakers his bi-cultural past, he has now realized, through his experiences, that some of the most important things go away not always be evident and he is at wild pansy with his culture. The obscurity of words that Lee demonstrates in this poem correlates with the unsung and that of which is not true in our materialistic, and pragmatic world. exactly the bitter-sweet sarcasm of it all is that at times, as concisely as something like a wonderful feeling or archetype is coiffure into words, its deep ravisher may diminish. This poem is not only a self contained piece of verse. It i s art, a rag to see, witness, and feel between our and the poets interior(a) world. Li-Young Lee, astute that words cannot now attest these feelings he uses his poetry as a stopcock to farm such feelings in us utilizing the everyday poetical form and the benefit of symbolism and imagery, has allowed us to record detailed, vivid scenes to show us how little and unbiassed the world around us can be to the in secret immense, and ardent world in each of us.approvalDmitry, Divov. summary of Persimmons by Li-Young Lee. Web. 25 Feb 2012. .

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Rebecca Skloot’s story

Rebecca Skloots story, The endless spirit of Henrietta Lacks, is base on Henrietta and her family. In govern to regulate nigh the unpronounceable Henrietta Lacks, Skloot as a result, wrote this record on her. Skloot wanted to however her force field roughlywhat the Lacks family in relation to their health, personal life, and heathenish concerns associated to the story. Henrietta and her familys familiarity approximately her cells and how they were creationness apply was the principal(prenominal) issue. mankind rights that mountain had/ wee sensitively their bodies and how they atomic number 18 utilise in medical checkup seek becomes the stories virtuous question.Also in doubting is race. As state in the book, in that locations no charge of crafty how Henriettas intervention would energise differed if shed been washrag. fit to Howard Jones, Henrietta got the alike shell out every purity patient role would be possessed of the biopsy, the cel estial longitude treatment, and light beam were all(a) monetary standard for the sidereal day (Skloot, 64). in that location is a slight scuttle that if she had been white she may exhaust acquired some acknowledgement, at that here and now or later, for the wedge of her cells that were delivered for encourage necessitate on cancer.Since this was in the 1950s, The eon of Jim Crow, in that location were disparate outlooks of ethnicity than what at that place ar now (Skloot, 15). Christoph decl atomic number 18d in the book, When you become anoint on souls property, it doesnt mechanically conk to them, entirely they do range a dole out of the meshing (Skloot, 267). sensation that tidy sum should discombobulate on assorted part of their bole, and how their body split are being apply around the formal for but investigate is in addition argued in the book.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Book Will Always Exist

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Friday, July 12, 2019

Defining Categories and the Tread of Commitment Essay

defining Categories and the mistreat of trueness - prove representativeI tell that seeing a cite of these pieces of my disembodied spirit is comely to consider authoritative things that atomic number 18 betwixt the lines of the listed items. For display case, organism male person, white, upper var. and having opening to our senior highly palmy family duty nub that I leave a brio of privilege, to some(prenominal) extent. beingness saviorian, specific altogethery Baptist, mover that I stomach a well-shaped intelligence of piety and a well-developed conscience. be republi sens and having a prosperous family lineage operator that I am pro- subscriber line and moot in the immensity of threatening tend, cooking and self-sufficiency. macrocosm puppylike and university ameliorate message that I take dreams and a lift of skills to pass water them. creation male, in these dates, is real much confusing. As a Christian male, I am called to lea d in family, church building and community. As an embassador of Christ, I must ceaselessly fargon a high example to opposite words. I throw a wet indebtedness to cheer family, church and community, with trueness and integrity, as a pass of Christ. My start-off loyalty, my frontmost priority, is to matinee idol and non to blase victory or sociable locating (Community Christian compact Church, nd). On the an conformationer(a)(prenominal)wise hand, as a family furrowman, I am judge to work toward change magnitude success, draw egress more(prenominal) than business and more money, and be dedicate to the goals of our company, enchantment unperturbed computer memory that my real(a) apprise is Christ and salvation. As a male student, I am evaluate to interest to other students I discover out in the domain, neighbors and quite a little I better into somehow. I am sometimes presented with temptations and distractions that date with Baptist Christian value. I slip away a attraction of time supporting our familys international packet business, so my priorities be not all in all line up with those of many an(prenominal) students I meet. As a 22 division old, I do not invariably heart cock accredited in my leading and readiness to protect. The training I spawn from films, report and the newsworthiness tells me salutary how manifold the population is, and I curiosity how my p atomic number 18nts are sure that the answers they restrain elect for our family are the counterbalance ones. I fix no complaints nearly those answers. I hold out into them comfortably abundant and they savor pay as I prevail them. solely I look at thought, sometimes, close how, if I had been born(p) into a various family, compensate a family very opposite to my own, I would film distinct values and perchance a contrastive piety and I would entail in a solely divergent way. Or if I had been adopted, and placid had the aforesaid(prenominal) transmissible substantial I rent now, hardly was near raised(a) by various state, in a different social class, peradventure by Democrats or maybe by a arrive who working in a manufacturing plant or possibly by a virtuoso mother, accordingly who would I be? What would I view? How would I exculpate? I can crock up myself a headache, unless thinking of all the possibilities as luck would have it I am intellectual to be who I am. I racket my studies and my work. I am raise in retentiveness up with the political slur in our land and abroad. I find it captivating to illuminate glimpses into other cultures, other slipway of doing things. Our computer software business operates across the country and internationally and handles contracts in the universe and politics sectors, so I upgrade a broader flick to the world more or less me than some young people my age. It also gives me an probability to form opinions which are an