Monday, August 24, 2020

Efforts to Alleviate Ozone Depletion

Consumption of ozone layer is the moderate destruction of the ozone layer brought about by the gases that are discharged into the air. The motivation behind the ozone layer is to pad the earth from the hazardous ultra violet beams of the sun subsequently it reflects back these beams. Were it not for this layer the earth couldn't have the option to help any life (Hussen 128).Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Efforts to Alleviate Ozone Depletion explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ozone layer has its own instrument of developing and recreation which associates the way toward fixing any openings on its surface. Anyway there are some harmful substances that are equipped for obliterating the ozone layer for all time. Dobson contends that these poisons contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Bromofluorocarbons (BFCs) which connect themselves to the ozone layer. They at that point split the atoms of the ozone layer and in light of the fact tha t they are for all time joined to the ozone layer they block the way toward combining the split particles in this way the harm is can't be fixed (1296). That’s why items that contain CFCs have been restricted in many nations. The ozone layer exists in the stratosphere which is a meager layer on the outside of earth surface. Hussein affirms that since ozone layer goes about as a hindrance between the outside of the earth and the ultra violet radiations from the sun, any disintegration of this layer will permit the ultra violet radiations to influence living animals legitimately thus there would be no life on earth (128). The stratosphere is the most inclined territory to consumption. The power of exhaustion is affected by temperatures thus zones that have extremely low temperatures experience the most elevated force of consumption contrasted with regions that have high temperatures. CFCs were intended to be utilized as a cooling specialist in refrigeration. This clarifies why created nations are reusing old fridges in such a case that they are not arranged appropriately they could transmit these synthetic concoctions (Callan Thomas 239). At the point when chlorofluorocarbons show up at the air they are disassembled to remove chlorine particles which are then used to accelerate the way toward crumbling the huge heft of ozone into little units. Research has discovered that CFCs can stay in the environment for an entire century (National Geographic 1). Ozone at the Antarctic has decreased in the ongoing past on the grounds that the virus atmospheres in that area encourage exhaustion. This exhaustion is additionally advanced by the nearness of Polar Stratospheric mists when there is winter. The PSCs makes a stage where the consumption of ozone happens (Callan Thomas 240).Advertising Looking for inquire about paper on ecological examinations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More During summer the sun assu mes a significant job in evading the consumption of the ozone layer. The sun beams heat the PSCs to change over them into fluid structure. This procedure deteriorates the molecules of chlorine that were bound in these mists in this manner thwarting the exhaustion of ozone (National Geographic 1). The decrease in the thickness of ozone layer implies that man and different manifestations will be presented to the ultra violet radiations from the sun. These radiations increment the odds of contracting skin malignancy. Researchers have additionally discovered that presentation ultra violet radiations may cause cortical waterfalls which if not rewarded can prompt loss of visual perception (Callan Thomas 10). As indicated by Fears et al., when ozone is on the ground level its viewed as a wellbeing risk to individuals since it is poisonous. This ozone is upgraded by consuming of gases (63). A few nations joined in the ongoing past to order a strategy that would pronounce the utilization of CFCs in vaporized shower jars illicit. This approach was protested by Europe. At first created nations were hesitant to actualize this strategy. The major hindrance was governmental issues. As time moved by more countries joined the crusade against the utilization of CFCs. In 1983 forty three countries met up on the side of the Montreal convention which was intended as far as possible the utilization of CFCs (Hussen 132). This positive reaction was improved by concentrates on the Antarctic which demonstrated that exhaustion of ozone was brought by long haul utilization of CFCs. In the year 1992 the individuals who had sanctioned the Montreal convention pushed for additional changes that saw the utilization of CFCs and incandescent lamp totally disposed of out with the exception of modest quantities that should have been utilized in the treatment of asthma. The end should be brief however when individuals amassed again in 1992 they deferred the end date (Hussen 133). Maybe the princi ple reason that made individuals be hesitant in executing the Montreal convention was the way that the abrupt disposal of CFCs would ground their particular country’s businesses that depended on these components in their business creations. They needed to purchase more opportunity for their nations to get ready associations that were intensely reliant on CFCs. As indicated by DeCanio and Norman, Methyl Bromide was additionally included among the substances that encourage ozone consumption. The Montreal convention broadened the period that end should begin which prompted additional time being permitted to underdeveloped nations (378). This exclusion was conceded on the grounds that underdeveloped nations couldn't bear the cost of the skill and innovation just as cash that was vital for the usage of this policy.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Efforts to Alleviate Ozone Depletion explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Manufacturers nee ded to search for elective substances that could be utilized rather than CFCs. In certain nations CFCs were subbed with another assortment of CFCs that was seen to be less unsafe. The Montreal convention has demonstrated critical decrease in the exhaustion of ozone layer because of the controlled utilization of CFCs which thusly has indicated the chance of fixing the opening that was knowledgeable about the Antarctic (Hussen 133). In this way, it is significant for each country to guarantee that systems, for example, avoidance of air contamination are set up to decrease the exhaustion of the ozone layer Works Cited Callan, Scott and Janet Thomas. Natural Economics Management: hypothesis, strategy, and applications. fourth ed. Canada: Thomson South-Western, 2007. Print. DeCanio, Stephene and Catherine Norman.†Economics of the ‘Critical Use’ of Methyl Bromide under the Montreal Protocol†. Contemporary Economic Policy 23 (3):376-393. July 2005. Dobson, Roger.â € Ozone consumption will acquire rise the quantity of cataracts.† BMJ 331(7528):1292. 2005. Fears, Thomas et al.†Average midrange Ultraviolet radiation transition and time outside anticipate melanoma risk.† Cancer Research.62 (14):3992-6. July 2002. Hussen, Ahmed. Standards of Environmental Economics. second ed. New York: Routledge, 2004. Print.Advertising Searching for look into paper on ecological investigations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More National Geographic. Ozone Depletion †Losing Earth’s Protective Layer. 2010. Web. This exploration paper on Efforts to Alleviate Ozone Depletion was composed and presented by client Maci Kaufman to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Ethics Within Today Free Essays

Business Ethics inside Today’s Business See Yang University of Phoenix Business Ethics inside Today’s Business Ethics are essential to all specialists. However, many disregard morals as a significant part that plays a significant effect upon a person’s accomplishment as a pioneer or consultant. Moral difficulties are confronted ordinarily in the general public. We will compose a custom exposition test on Business Ethics Within Today or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Which in today’s business world moral issues like badgering, irreconcilable situation, and client certainty issues does influences the network and association. Business morals isn't something that normally happens inside an association. It’s a culture that upper administration and workers need to develop starting from the earliest stage, causes the organization to handle moral issues going up against the business. In this way, business morals analyzes moral standards and good or moral issue that emerge in a business situation, which applies to all part of business direct and are pertinent to the lead of people and business associations all together (Trevino Nelson, 2007). Notwithstanding, business morals makes proficient mentalities and practices all through the association and the general condition. In today’s business world, provocation isn't trifled with. Provocation or inappropriate behavior is sexual conduct toward someone else with undesirable contact with the other individual. Provocation isn't when two individuals meet up and kiss however when somebody is offering inconsiderate remarks or attempting to have sexual contact with someone else without authorization. Since provocation is a type of segregation badgering is a moral issue that prevents laborers from playing out their obligations because of miss treatment and shamefulness (Trevino Nelson, 2007). Another moral issue is irreconcilable situations. Irreconcilable circumstance incorporates issues as pay-offs, impact and favored data. For instance, if an individual was working for a retail organization and was additionally utilized by another retail organization simultaneously would be think about an irreconcilable situation. Because of important data the individual holds about the organization, in this manner the organization would anticipate that the individual should stop or search for another activity. Irreconcilable circumstance can likewise happen by holding an individual relationship with another associate and appropriating unpredictable limits to different merchants when the markdown is implied only for the laborer. As an organization, maintaining a strategic distance from irreconcilable situation is the most ideal approach. Clashes could cause loss of work and partnership or law and government charges. Client certainty issues are another moral issue. It incorporates themes, for example, classification and truth in promoting. Secrecy is essentially the security of the client. The security ensures the customer’s individual data on deals and money. As a representative, truth in promoting assumes an enormous job in client assistance. On the off chance that a representative is advancing something and isn't advancing the best possible data, the organization could lose a significant measure of cash contingent upon the circumstance. Just as losing clients and business. Client certainty has an adage, â€Å"the client is consistently right† (Trevino Nelson, 2007). Most organizations utilize the platitude to forestall pressure between the partnership and the client and give consumer loyalty. Badgering, irreconcilable situation, and client certainty issues are a portion of the business moral issues, which are normal in regular business. An individual can settle on a solitary choice that can have a negative or constructive outcome around their environmental factors. Organizations settle on the decisions through being straightforward or lying. Notwithstanding, it will figure out what destiny the business would fall in. A business who esteems hard working attitudes would be a business esteemed by the clients. Reference Trevino, L. K. , Nelson, K. A. (2007). Overseeing businessethics: Straight discussion about how to do it right (fourth ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Recovered January 3, 2010,from ecampus. phoenix. edu Step by step instructions to refer to Business Ethics Within Today, Papers

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How Do I Get Over My Fear of Social Situations

How Do I Get Over My Fear of Social Situations Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print How Do I Get Over My Fear of Social Situations? By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on June 24, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Chat with someone on an elevator to overcome fear. Getty / Taxi / Hinterhaus Productions If you suffer from general fears about social situations, exposure therapy can help you to gradually become less anxious in the scenarios that you fear. You can practice exposures as a self-help strategy outside of traditional treatment offered by a cognitive-behavioral therapist. Slowly Build Confidence Instead of throwing yourself into situations that cause you to dread and fear, the idea behind exposures is to slowly build up your confidence and ability to cope by gradually facing more difficult situations. For example, you might start out making small talk with a cashier and work your way up to eventually hosting a party at your home. Problems With Avoidance It is possible to go through the motions of doing exposures but never really engage in the situations. Doing so means that you are using subtle avoidance strategies also known as partial avoidance. If you find that you space out or disconnect when around people, you might be relieving your anxiety through partial avoidance. It is important to be fully present in situations and engage with people in order to experience anxiety and then have it gradually subside. Imagined or in Vivo Although the ideal situation is to practice exposures in real life, if you are too afraid to start out doing this or do not have access to the scenarios that you fear, you can also start out with imagined exposures. Over time, you can then build up to real scenarios, also known as in vivo. Fear Hierarchy Listed below are a series of situations that you could potentially include on your fear hierarchy for exposure to social situations. You will want to create a list that is unique to you and that includes those scenarios that you fear in increasing order of severity. Ask someone for the time. Stop someone on the street or in a store and ask for the time.Talk to someone in an elevator. Instead of standing idly in an elevator, make small talk about the weather or a recent news event.Give someone a compliment. Give a sincere and genuine compliment to someone about something that you admire.Talk to a classmate or coworker. When you arrive to work or to a class, try talking a bit with a coworker or classmate. Ask how the weekend was or about a work or school assignment.Join a conversation. Try joining into an ongoing conversation either at work, at school, or at a social function.Give a differing opinion. If you have a different opinion than someone about something, try offering your viewpoint instead of automatically agreeing with what the other person has to say.Call a friend. Call someone that you havent talked to in a while or that you would like to get to know better.Invite a friend to do something. Make plans for someone to do something like see a movie or take your dogs for a walk together.Go out for lunch with a group. Plan to go out for lunch with friends, colleagues or classmates.Host a party at your home. Plan a party or gathering in your home for several friends or family members. These are some basic ideas to get you started creating your own fear hierarchy for social situations. Remember that you must stay in each situation for enough time that your fear is reduced. Otherwise, your anxiety about the situations will not diminish and may even increase. Although there is much that you can do on your own to manage social anxiety, if you find that your fear is severe, it is important to contact your doctor or a mental health professional for a diagnosis and treatment options.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cyberbullying Is A New Type Of Bullying - 1119 Words

Cyberbullying is a new type of bullying that has developed through the use of technology. Cyberbullying has been defined as â€Å"... intentional and repeated harm inflicted on people through the use of computers, cellular telephones, and other electronic devices† (Funk Wagnalls). A problem with this definition is that the bully can claim that they had no intention of harming the victim. Even if the harassment is repeated, the bully could just be joking and unknowingly causing harm to the victim. One problem with cyberbullying is that there can technically be an infinite amount of bullies. This can happen because the main perpetrator can post content on the internet, then that content can reach the victim in several different ways (Funk †¦show more content†¦There are no national laws in The United States that define any type of bullying. However, The United States does have an outline of eleven policies which are intended to stop bullying. In one policy, while inves tigating the incident, the local education agencies should â€Å"...include notifications to parents of the victim...and parents of the alleged perpetrator, and, if appropriate, notification of law enforcement officials† ( This outline alludes to the bully actually breaking the law by harassing the victim. The three laws defined in the Ohio law book are: 29 OH  §2913.01, 29 OH  §2903.211(A), and 29 OH  §2917.21. Subsection 2913.01 defines what telecommunication and telecommunications device are. This is important because if it was not defined, then it would be a giant loophole in how cyber harassment cases are handled. Subsection 2903.211 is the section that defines menacing by stalking. The section describes menacing by stalking as the following: â€Å"No person by engaging in a pattern of conduct shall knowingly cause another person to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the other person or cause mental distress to the other person. In addition to any other basis for the other person s belief that the offender will cause physical harm to the other person or the other person s mental distress, the other person s belief or mental distress may be

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Contrasts and Paradoxes Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Throughout its entirety, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness utilizes many contrasts and paradoxes in an attempt to teach readers about the complexities of both human nature and the world. Some are more easily distinguishable, such as the comparison between civilized and uncivilized people, and some are more difficult to identify, like the usage of vagueness and clarity to contrast each other. One of the most prominent inversions contradicts the typical views of light and dark. While typically light is imagined to expose the truth and darkness to conceal it, Conrad creates a paradox in which darkness displays the truth and light blinds us from it. Initially, the story endorses the conventional views of Western society, exhibiting light as a†¦show more content†¦When the paradox between Kurtz’s Intended and his Mistress presents itself, it calls to attention the inversion of light and dark and the subsequent reversal of truth and ignorance. His Mistress is a woman of the jungle, not only originating from it but, in essence, being it. She, in contrast to a Western woman, is not hidden from the truth, but is, rather, submerged in it. â€Å"Her face had a tragic and fierce aspect of wild sorrow and of dumb pain mingled with the fear of some struggling, half-shaped resolve† (Conrad 56). Unlike The Intended, she expresses â€Å"wild sorrow† and â€Å"dumb pain†, deep and immensely honest emotions. These emotions expressed are terrifically different than those of The Intended. â€Å"She carried her sorrowful head as though she was proud of that sorrow† (Conrad 69). While Kurtz’s Mistress conveyed raw pain and frantic fear, his Intended demonstrates a sort of honorable mourning â€Å"as though she was proud of that sorrow†. They also contrast in that his Mistress is depicted in dark and rich colors, fairly exorbitant in dress. â€Å"a crimson spot on her tawny cheek, innumerable necklaces of glass beads on her neck; bizarre things, charms, gifts of witch men, that hung about her, glittered and trembled at every step† (Conrad 56). Her skin is â€Å"tawny†, she walks with â€Å"innumerable necklaces† and â€Å"bizarre things† that â€Å"glittered and trembled†. This paints a dark, vivid image thatShow MoreRelated The Style, Technique, and Structure of Conrads Heart of Darkness2805 Words   |  12 PagesStructure of Heart of Darkness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is proof that a novel does not have to be long to have literary merit. Heart of Darkness is quite short, yet intriguing, due to the content of the novel. Much like Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Heart of Darkness overwhelms the reader by the power of the story so that one will never feel quite satisfied with their attempts to intellectualize the experience (Adelman 8).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Heart of Darkness was writtenRead More Heart of Darkness Essay2840 Words   |  12 Pages Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness does not explicitly deal with a struggle between war and peace: the conflict is a psychological, moral one; however, the text’s implications that society is a thin veil over our innate savagery, the darkness at the roots of Western civilization, reveals disturbing truths about the peaceful, orderly lives we take for granted. The key to understanding Conrad’s novella lies in ascertaining the metaphorical significance of the â€Å"heart of darkness,† a search which mayRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagespopulation for the first time in history. He gives considerable attention to changes in city planning, patterns of urban growth, and important differences between industrialized Europe and North America and the developing world, as well as the contrasts in urban design and living conditions between different sorts of political regimes— communist, capitalist, colonial, and fascist. Particularly revealing are Spodek’s discussions of the influence of prominent urban planners and architects— includingRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagestext and exercises. We are indebted to the reviewers of past editions who shared our commitment to elevating the instruction of project management. The reviewers include Paul S. Allen, Rice University; Denis F. Cioffi, George Washington University; Joseph D. DeVoss, DeVry University; Edward J. Glantz, Pennsylvania State University; Michael Godfrey, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh; Robert Key, University of Phoenix; Dennis Krumwiede, Idaho State University; Nicholas C. Petruzzi, University of Illinois–Urbana/Champaign;

The Un and Peacekeeping Free Essays

CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Since its inception in 1945, the United Nations has been involved in peacekeeping operations and conflict resolutions in the international system. According to Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, the UN is expected â€Å"to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by lawful means, and in conformity with the principle of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace. The United Nations has been charged with vast responsibilities for the maintenance of international peace and security. We will write a custom essay sample on The Un and Peacekeeping or any similar topic only for you Order Now Two organs were created for this purpose: the Security Council (which consists of fifteen members, five permanent members with veto power and ten non permanent members) and the General Assembly (which consist of representatives from all member states). This essay seeks to examine and analyze the role of the United Nations in the maintenance of international peace and security using the Korean War as a case study. THE UN AND PEACEKEEPING Peacekeeping is defined by the United Nations as â€Å"a unique and dynamic instrument developed by the organization as a way to help countries torn by conflict, create the conditions for lasting peace. The Security Council of United Nations has been given the responsibility to take collective action to maintain international peace and security. The â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution adopted by the General Assembly in 1954 imposes the responsibility of maintenance of international peace and security on the General Assembly under certain conditions. The United Nations, after the approval by the Security Council sends peacekeepers to regions where armed conflict has recently ceased or paused to enforce the terms of peace agreements and to discourage combatants from resuming hostilities. Since the United Nations does not maintain its own military, peacekeeping forces are voluntarily provided by member states of the United Nations. The founders of the United Nations envisaged that the organization would help to prevent conflicts between states and in the process, prevent outbreak of another major war in the future. The United Nations would have been able to achieve this successfully if not for the outbreak of the Cold War. The outbreak of the Cold War made it extremely difficult for the United Nations to successfully resolve issues and conflicts because of the division of the world into hostile camps. The United States and Western Europe on one side and the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and part of Asia on the other side. This caused a stalemate in decision making in the Security Council as both powers (United States and Soviet Union) used their veto power to check each other. The United Nations found it extremely difficult to come to a resolution on issues where both super powers had national interests. In such case as the Korean War where after the Soviet Union used her veto power to reject resolutions and left the Security Council completely paralyzed, the General Assembly through the â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution assumed the responsibility of making decisions. In spite of the various obstacles the United Nations faced during the Cold War era in conflict resolution, it was however to an extent successful in maintaining international peace and security and most importantly, the outbreak of another World War. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE KOREAN WARThe Korean War from 1950 to 1953 was the most severe test the United Nations had to face since its inception in 1945. As part of the Cold War scenario, the Korean War was a complicated issue with which the United Nations had to successfully deal with or lose credibility just five years after it had come into being. The Korean experience tested the United Nations ability and credibility in maintaining international peace and security. In some ways the Korean episode could be regarded as the United Nations finest hour. Here for the first and only time in its history, the Security Council called on its members to go to the defense of a state under armed attack1. It also marked the first attempt by an international organization to check an act of aggression, and it stands as the only occasion on which enforcement action had been taken against aggressor states or other authorities2. Here in consequences the forces of a number of countries fought under the United Nations flag to defend the principle that aggression should not be allowed to succeed3. But the concept of collective security was not upheld as only a quarter of the membership of he United Nations sent military assistance to South Korea and the sixteen states which did so were all Western countries. This was an example of alliance strategy than of enforcement action by an international organization; of collective defence rather than collective security. The fact that a great majority of the United Nation membership though pro- western were u nwilling to send significant armed support to the country whose existence was threatened showed that the action would scarcely be said whole heartedly to fulfill the ideals enshrined in the Charter of the UN4. The dominance exercised by the United States over the entire operation in the Korean crisis deprived it of the name of the genuine collective security. This was demonstrated in the early stages by the fact that most of the Security Council initiatives and resolutions were really in origin United States proposals. At the onset of North Korea attack on South Korea, the United States was the first state to send assistance both financially and militarily to South Korea even before the United Nations had taken a decision on the matter. The military operation was headed by a United States commander and decision that were taken originated directly from the White House and not from the UN secretariat. This defeated the purpose of collective security by placing the responsibility of a peacekeeping mission in the hands of a super power. This contrasted radically with the subsequent practice of the UN in organizing peace-keeping forces from 1956 onward. In these cases the super power were normally excluded from participation altogether. And no single power or even a group of powers was able to dominate policy in the way the United States was allowed to do in Korea5. This gave a clear indication that the UN was dominated by the United States. Nearly 90% of all army personnel, 93% of all air power and 80% of all naval power for the Korean War had come from the United States. The Chinese got involved in the war (this escalated and prolonged the war) on the basis that they viewed the whole operation not as an United Nations peacekeeping mission but an effort by the United States to gain control of Asia using the United Nation as a cover to invade both Koreas and China. The decision of the United Nations Forces to cross the 38th parallel also originated from the United States. The United States brought the proposal for the United Nations forces to cross the 38th parallel and enter North Korea before the General Assembly even though most of the participating states were against it. Even though there were other states that participated in the peace keeping operations, their opinion were barely considered by the United States. Major of the decision making processes was held in Washington rather than New York. While the success of the United Nations in repelling aggression in Korea had been in large part due to the contribution of the United States, the dominant role of the United States weakened the collective character of the operation6. Throughout the whole episode, the United Nations failed to institute or even attempt to institute any effective negotiations among the parties concerned as in the case of South Korea and North Korea and also the United States and the Soviet Union after the division of Korea. The United Nations also failed before 1950 to bring the two parties (North and South Korea) into discussion to as to bring about a resolution or involve the use of a mediator or good office to help along with negotiations; instead the United Nations held on to its demands for all Korean – election under the UN auspices. The Korean experience has shown that the Charter provision and machinery for which the Charter provides can be adapted and utilized under certain conditions to defeat aggression and to discourage aggression in advance7. Since the decline of the Cold War, the UN however, has been more effective and efficient in maintaining international peace and security. The Korean experienced questioned the UN as a useful and promising means of dealing with threats to and breaches of the peace by collective measures and its limitations. The â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution which was passed by the General Assembly during the Korean War created a whole new dynamic. The veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council sometimes cripples the Council as it make decision making harder and slower in cases where the super powers have different contrasting interest as could be seen in the Korea conflict where the Soviet Union used her veto power to cripple the resolution passed by the other members of the council. The â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution gave the General Assembly the power and responsibility to make decisions under such circumstances where the Security Council is crippled and in capable of making decisions concerning the security matters. The Korean experience served as an important lesson for the UN in its pursuit of international peace and security. It has also shown that the purpose of collective security is to restore international peace and security and not do justice, particularly if the doing of justice, which often is highly controversial and in practice requires some accommodation of conflicting interests involves a serious risk of extending the war. Furthermore there is the additional danger where one member has disproportionate share in the direction of the operation that the member will seek to use the operation for implementation of its own national policies, policies which may not be in harmony with the interests and policies of other members of the United Nations. The United Nations could justifiably hold that it had fought a successful war to defend a nation under attack what it could not claim, after eight years of discussion, was that it had brought any nearer a resolution of the Korean problem. CONCLUSION The Korean War served as an important lesson to UN. In spite of the various obstacles it has faced the United Nations had been able to improve and make amendment. Since the decline of the Cold War which was a major factor in the outcome of the Korean War has also strengthened the United Nations in the area of conflict resolution and peace keeping operation. ENDNOTES 1. Evan Luard, A History of the United Nations Volume 1: The Years of Western Domination 1945-1955 (Macmillan 1982), p. 71-272. 2. D. W. Bowett, United Nations Forces. A Legal Study of United Nations Practice (London, Sterens and Sons, 1984), p. 30 3. Evan Luard, A History of the United Nations Volume 1: The Years of Western Domination 1945-1955 (Macmillan 1982), p. 272. 4. Ibid, p. 272-273. 5. Ibid, p. 273. 6. Leland M. Goodrich, â€Å"The United Nations and the Korean War: A Case Study†, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Vol. 25. No. 2. United Nations: Success or Failure p. 103. 7. Ibid, p. 102. How to cite The Un and Peacekeeping, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Miscommunication and Power Distance in Business world

Introduction Miscommunication and power distance causes business failure if left unchecked. High power distance leads to business complications as superiors are disconnected from the real goings on in an institution. Employees will refrain from telling their bosses about certain insights thus leading to undesirable outcomes. Additionally, employees will become demoralized and production will diminish.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Miscommunication and Power Distance in Business world specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, it is imperative to detect problems in these areas before they spiral out of control. The discussion will involve two case studies that did not perceive such challenges, and thus encountered dire consequences. The first is an Airline Company – Korean Air and the second is an automobile manufacturer – Nissan. Both organizations suffered immense losses and project failures due to miscommunication or power distance issues. Definition of terms Miscommunication refers to a ruined type of communication that arises when the message to be communicated is obstructed thus preventing its transmission (Kujal 24). Five main types of barriers exist in communication and they include semantic/ language, organizational, personal, emotional and physical barriers. Language barriers stem from â€Å"poorly expressed messages, faulty translations, technical language, and poorly clarified assumptions† (Griffin Pustay 15). On the other hand, organizational barriers stem from bad organizational policies and rules, the status of the employee in the firm and how the organization structures its management levels (Kujal 54). Additionally, some businesses simply have limited communication facilities. Griffin Pustay (92) adds that personal barriers emanate from a business leader’s attitude, fear among employees concerning negative feedback, overemphasis on bureaucrat ic channels, and lack of time. Some people may simply be unwilling to communicate and may ignore messages. Emotional barriers relate to premature evaluation of the message, mental distractions and poor information retention (Kujal 56). Physical barriers emanate from the proximity of the message sender and receiver. If no technology exists to facilitate communication, then miscommunication may arise. Businesses that succumb to miscommunication may experience difficulties in job assignments, implementation of work and accident prevention. These outcomes may lead to low employee morale, financial losses, legal suits and maybe even business closedowns. Therefore, organizations must avoid miscommunication at all costs.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hofstede defines power distance as â€Å"the extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a coun try expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (98). The notion also encompasses the extent to which people believe that their superiors have greater power than them. In countries with a high level of power distance, employees rarely disagree with their superiors. Gladwell (215) aggress with the above author. He adds that their bosses are autocratic and make all the decisions in the organization. High power distance undermines the real potential in a business. Problems of power distance will often arise when two separate cultures interact. The result is a â€Å"clash of cultures and instability† (Hofstede115). This may lead to reduced performance or even business transaction failure. Therefore, power distance discrepancies ought to be understood and dealt with accordingly. Case studies In the business world, cases of power distance have led to dire consequences in the past. A case in point is Korean Air in the 1980s and 1990s. This airline reported one of th e highest numbers of crashes in the air industry (Gladwell 180). In 1997, a flight heading to Guam from Korea’s capital crashed and killed approximately 228 people; only 26 passengers survived. This was not the first time that a crash had been recorded. In 1977, 1979, 1987, and 1998 other Korean Air flights also crashed. (Gladwell 180). These quick successions of accidents led to the suspension of Korean Air from Air France and Delta Airlines’ partnership list. Word went round that the company was undependable. Therefore, passengers refrained from using the Airline’s services (Gladwell 182). It should be noted that now Korea has a spotless flying record. It changed things in 1999 and has never looked back. Nonetheless, the company risked and lost people’s lives during this dark phase. It almost closed down because of these preventable disasters. The point of this report is to analyze the power distance issues that led to the problem, and how they could ha ve been prevented. At first instance, individuals imagined that the crashes were caused by poorly serviced planes or old infrastructure. Alternatively, they imagined the company’s pilots lacked the necessary training to handle a job of such enormous responsibilities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Miscommunication and Power Distance in Business world specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it was found that Korean Air did not have any of these technical problems. A deeper investigation revealed that there were â€Å"cultural issues that came in the way of proper performance† (Gladwell 207). The company sourced its plane from renowned airplane manufacturers; Airbus and Boeing. These institutions designed aircrafts that depended on transparent and equal communication between the pilot and copilot. In one particular scenario, of the Korean Air flight 801, the copilot was in a position to prevent th e crash but failed to do so. It is imperative to understand why this occurred Whenever an aircraft crash takes place, plenty of things can happen to propel the situation, which was true for Korean Air. The pilots often worked for extensive shifts, so most of them were not alert (Gladwell 213). Kujal (56) explains that emotional issues like lack of mental alertness cause miscommunication. In fact, an analysis of the crash reports found that 52% of the cases had pilots who worked for more than 12 hours continuously (Gladwell 213). Additionally, investigations revealed that the company kept lumping different pilots together. 44% of all the crash cases had pilots who had never worked together, so they were not free with each other. Kujal (49) also notes that â€Å"discomfort with one’s superiors hampers communication†. In addition to these company policy issues, it was also found that a number of other smaller errors led to the final disaster. Usually, these began with one pilot knowing something important and keeping it to himself. The other pilot would realize that a problem existed but failed to catch it. He or she then compounded the situation by making his own mistakes. Additionally, a co-pilot may have known something and may have refrained to communicate it to the pilot for a number of reasons. One of these motives was the cultural problem of power distance. In addition to the many problems that Korean Air experienced, high power distance was one of the issues that had compounded the problem. A study was done among pilots around the world to find out which ones have the highest power distance; South Koreans had the highest scores (Griffin Pustay 40).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Given the above revelation, it is unequal power between the copilot and the pilot in the Korean Air flights that contributed to the crashes. The first engineers and co-pilots are meant to foresee problems before they arise. They should communicate these problems to the pilot clearly so that he may prevent occurrence of a crash. If a copilot places the pilot in high esteem, he or she may not communicate the issue candidly. He may try to go around it, and thus prevent the pilot from understanding the full repercussions of the danger. As mentioned earlier in the essay, persons from high power-distance cultures tend to deliver bad news to their subordinates and positive information to their superiors (JETRO 8). However, the case of flying an airplane is different because bad news usually emanates from a person of lower rank. The co-pilots of Air Korea were required to ignore their cultural inclinations and convey negative information to their superiors (Gladwell 214). It appears as thou gh most of them could not overcome this cultural barrier. If one reviews the transcript of the Guam crash in 1997, it is evident that some power distance issues led to the problem in that plane. First, the pilot revealed to the co-pilot that he was overworked and tired. Thereafter, he decided to a do visual landing before entrance into Guam. The copilot realized that this would be a problem because â€Å"visual landings require perfect weather† (Gladwell 191). The copilot knew that the weather was inappropriate for such an approach, so he should have told the pilot. However, instead of stating this explicitly, he only hinted at it by asking the pilot whether he thought that there was more rain in Guam (Gladwell 216). As the pilot continued to prepare for his landing, the flight engineer realized that there was a serious problem with the pilot’s decision, but he also failed to state this explicitly. He hinted at the pilot that the weather radar was quite helpful. What h e should have said was that the weather was inappropriate for visual landing as the pilot would not see where he was going. Therefore, the pilot should have thought of another course of action that did not depend on his eyesight. Instead of saying this, he chose to use indirect means to communicate with the pilot, yet the pilot could not understand him in those circumstances. These inactions caused the plane to crash into a hill. JETRO (8) explains that a â€Å"subordinate is expected to trust his or her manager’s judgment and not question his or her decisions†. Consequently, they only asked him questions about his opinion on the issue. None of them recommended straight forward actions. The high PDI (Power distance index) culture was detrimental to the lives of the passengers in the flight. It was incidences like these that created a poor corporate image for the firm and made it loose some of its most valued clientele. Furthermore, the company’s finances were in jeopardy because fewer clients were willing to use their planes. Korean Air could have prevented these challenges if it had dealt with the high PDI problem from the onset. Perhaps another reason, of less importance may have led to the crashes. The organization acted as a barrier to communication. It had poor communication policies, which emphasized a foreign language- English. Additionally no mechanisms were in place to ensure that subordinates openly tell their pilots everything (Kujal 55). These were all cultural problems in the institution. Miscommunication has also led to dire consequences in the business world, as well. A case in point was the alliance between Japan-based Nissan and French-based Renault. The two companies decided to come together to do business in a relatively unconventional manner. They needed each other for survival (Susini 239). They decided to maintain their autonomy and corporate cultures but still work together in various aspects of business. At one poin t, the firms needed to share components between each other; this became one of their projects. The major problem with this approach was that either company could have parts that experience delays or problems in performance (Susini 253). Expectations for performance were different in both organizations. At Renault, cooling systems needed to be silent and had a high rate of flow. Conversely, cooling systems needed to possess a low flow rate in Japan. Additionally, the spaces in which the systems were to be installed were quite different. The concerned teams needed to adhere to certain protocols when using the component parts and these were sometimes difficult to explain. The two organizations had a lot of difficulties in merging these requirements. They eventually abandoned the project due to harmonization challenges. Unlike Susini (255) who argues that the spare-part project was mainly hampered by â€Å"technical difficulties†, Treece (55) explains that business miscommunicati on led to project failure. The complications between members of staff in both organizations were created by cross cultural differences. Individuals from Japanese culture are collectivist while the French are individualistic. In Nissan, people used group think to make decisions. It is likely that this issue led to miscommunication between the two parties. Most Nissan employees kept sending ambiguous part specifications to their counterparts, and this frustrated the Frenchmen. Renault seniors regularly complained that it was rather difficult to reach any consensus with Nissan representatives (Treece 57). Furthermore, when the head of the project was looking for new ideas about harmonizing the project, Nissan employees rarely gave differing input. Their ideas were almost synchronized, so the project manager wondered why he could not get fresh input from them. It is likely that this problem came from the collectivist nature of the Japanese. They tend to favor groupthink and will create groups that think in the same manner (JETRO 10). Information miscommunication occurred because Nissan employees told the Renault project manager what they had agreed on, yet the manager expected to get independent ideas from all project members. This mismatch between the sender’s expectations and the receivers’ perceptions brought a rift between the two organizations. When a problem arose during the spare parts project, few if any Nissan employees took responsibility for the predicament. In fact, Renault seniors realized that shifting blame was rather common in this organization. The Japanese are a relatively homogenous group and they use a system called ‘ringi’ to make decisions. In ‘ringi’, an â€Å"idea is suggested and taken around to all the people who will be affected by it† (JETRO 10). When a person receives a document containing the idea, they will make a few adjustments and pass it to the next employee. After passing through al l the stakeholders, the final decision will be reached and this will give members a sense of ownership. The major problem with this approach is no single person will be held responsible for the decision (JETRO 11). While Nissan employees did not use the ‘ringi’ system directly during the spare parts project, they still used the same approach in deciding things. As a result, no one was to blame for shortcomings and unwanted results. The Japanese kept shifting blame from one department to another, which was very frustrating for the French team. It is likely that this problem also led to project failure. Harney (16) disagrees with the above authors by claiming that language problems between the two groups led to project failure. If a spare part needed to be attached safely to a fuel tank, the French had difficulties in translating this requirement to Japanese. Although the companies hired translators for this purpose, it was clear that some meanings were lost in translatio n (Harney 14). Information miscommunication is bound to arise when language barriers exist. Additionally, many of these problems were compounded by the technical language used in automobile manufacture. Conclusion Power distance and miscommunication can lead to dire business consequences as seen through the two case studies. In one scenario, high power distance caused a series of aircraft disasters in Korean Air. This company lost lives, experienced financial losses, lost partnerships, and even tarnished its brand image. All these problems stemmed from high power distance and lack of openness between a captain and his subordinates. In the second case, information miscommunication led to diminished employee morale, project failure, and financial losses. Differences in communication expectations and reality emanated from intercultural differences between Japan-based Nissan and French-based Renault. Businesses that want to avoid such consequences should work on communication and power distance issues among their stakeholders. Works Cited Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. NY: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Print. Griffin, Walter Mickey Pustay. International Business. NY: Pearson-Prentice, 2005. Print. Harney, Arnold. â€Å"Restructuring Gives Japan’s Workers Culture Shock.† Financial Times 2 Nov. 1999: 14. Print. Hofstede, Geert. Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2001. Print. JETRO. Communicating with Japanese in Business. 1999. Web. Http://Www.Jetro.Go.Jp/Costarica/Mercadeo/Communicationwith.Pdf Kujal, Sri. Business Communication. Delhi: Vaibhav Printers, 2009. Print. Susini, Pamela. â€Å"The Determinants of Alliance Performance: Case Study of Renault and Nissan Alliance.† Economic Journal of Hokkaido 33(2003): 233-262. Print. Treece, James. â€Å"Ghosn To GM.† Automotive News Europe 11.20(2006): 55. Prin t. This essay on Miscommunication and Power Distance in Business world was written and submitted by user Caitlyn Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pipefish Facts and Information

Pipefish Facts and Information Pipefish are slender relatives of seahorses. Description Pipefish are a very slender fish that has an amazing ability to camouflage, blending in expertly with the slender seagrasses and weeds among which it lives. They align themselves in a vertical position and sway back and forth among the grasses. Like their seahorse and seadragon relatives, pipefish have a long snout and bony rings around their body and fan-shaped tail. Rather than scales, they  have bony plates for protection. Depending on the species, pipefish can be from one to twenty-six inches in length. Some even  have the ability to change color to further blend in with their habitat. Like their seahorse and seadragon relatives, pipefish  have a fused jaw which creates a long, pipette-like snout that is used for sucking in their food.   Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Gasterosteiformes Family: Syngnathidae There are over 200 pipefish species. Here are some that are found in United States waters: Common Pipefish  (Northern pipefish)Chain PipefishDusky pipefishBay Pipefish Habitat and Distribution Pipefish live in seagrass beds, among Sargassum, and among reefs, estuaries and rivers. They are found in shallow waters up to waters over 1000 feet deep. They may move to deeper waters in the winter.   Feeding Pipefish eat tiny crustaceans, fish and fish eggs. Some (e.g.,  Janss pipefish) even set up cleaning stations to eat parasites off other fish. Reproduction Like their seahorse relatives, pipefish are ovoviviparous, but it is the male who raises the young. After a sometimes elaborate courtship ritual, females place several hundred eggs on the males brood patch or in his brood pouch (only some species have full- or half-pouches). The eggs are protected there while they incubate, before they hatch  into tiny pipefish that are miniature versions of their parents.   Conservation and Human Uses Threats to pipefish include habitat loss, coastal development, and harvesting for use in traditional medicines. References and Further Information Chesapeake Bay Program. Pipefish.   Accessed October 8, 2014. FusedJaw.  Pipefish Fact Sheet. Accessed October 28, 2014. Monterey Bay Aquarium. Bay Pipefish. Accessed October 28, 2014.Waller, G. 1996. SeaLife: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press. 504 pp.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Whence and Thence

Whence and Thence Whence and Thence Whence and Thence By Maeve Maddox A reader has a question about these two words: Could you please shed some light on the usage of whence and thence in a sentence? I read these words many times but want to learn their exact usage in sentence. The words date from the early thirteenth century. In their original spellings, they were inflected adverbial forms ending in -s and meaning the following: whence = †from what place† thence = â€Å"from that place† For example: Whens comyst thow, and whithir gost thow?- Genesis 16:8, Wycliffe Bible, 1382. (Whence come you, and whither go you?) He departed thens, and cam in to his awne countre.- Mark 6, Tyndale Bible, 1526. (He departed thence and came into his own country.) In time, the words’ origins were forgotten, the -s changed to -ce in order to retain the soft s sound, and some English speakers started adding an unnecessary from: Begin from thence, where first Alphà «us hides His wandring Stream.- Pope 1712. From whence is this Fool?- Delany, 1720. In modern usage, this redundant from is commonly added to whence and thence: Republican leaders would be overwhelmed with delight if Trump, like Gulliver, decided to return from whence he came.- John Cassidy, The New Yorker, 2015. And when we go back to the sea whether it is to sail or to watch it we are going back from whence we came.- John F. Kennedy, 1962. The significance of the moth is change. Caterpillar into chrysalis or pupa, from thence into beauty.†- Anthony Hopkins/Hannibal Lecter, The Silence of the Lambs, 1991. However, many speakers know to use whence and thence without adding a from: Know whence you came. If you know whence you came, there is really no limit to where you can go.- James Baldwin, 1962. Later he [Peter Benenson] went on to Eton and thence to Balliol.- Dennis Sewell. Thence is frequently encountered in official surveying and election records, as in this one from Hawaii: Commencing corner Judd and Liliha Streets, thence along Liliha to King, thence to Asylum road, thence to the mountains, thence along a straight line representing a continuation of Judd St., thence along Judd to Liliha St. Thence is also used figuratively to mean, â€Å"from that time,† as in the phrase from the Emancipation Proclamation: That on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1863, all persons held as  slaves within any State or designated part of a State the people  whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall  be then, thenceforward, and forever free.† Speakers who do not feel comfortable using such old-fashioned words can replace whence with â€Å"from where† or â€Å"where from,† and thence with â€Å"from that place† or â€Å"from that time.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Use â€Å"That,† â€Å"Which,† and â€Å"Who†Hang, Hung, HangedJanuary 1 Doesn't Need an "st"

Friday, February 14, 2020

Health Value Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Value Policy - Research Paper Example As per my spiritual beliefs I consider myself strictly accountable to the job, assigning authorities for any on job mishap. Nurses are in charge to carry out all critical operations during one’s treatment and therefore they are also accountable for the on job negligence. Healthcare policies of different institutions not only affect their performance but also influence healthcare providers working for that institution and the society at large. Therefore it is highly significant to formulate such policies which are beneficial for both the institution and the community. Cost, quality and social issues play a very crucial role when it comes to healthcare because ethical principles for nurses are basically judged on these three variables. For instance, justice, beneficence and autonomy (Gelling, 1999) are the most important ethical principles for me being a nurse. However, at times my ethical conduct is greatly challenged by the cost of treatment, the quality of management and exis ting social issues in a way that justice calls to maintain equal treatment opportunities for every individual (Butts, 2008) but cost of treatment does not always allow that. Similarly, autonomy affects the quality since I as a nurse want to extend my maximum skills and abilities towards the patients but on the other hand the healthcare policy might not permit me to do so. Social issues particularly those concerning the young generation affect my principle of beneficence because today people do not want to take medical help for their issues other than physical health (Butts, 2008). For instance, a number of young people who are severely affected by psychological diseases hardly go for medical facilitation. Maintaining justice at all levels of life was a part of my upbringing and now after entering into the nursing field I hold a more firm believe over it. This is because medical treatment should be same for all irrespective of race, color or status. Moreover, justice with the duties of a nurse is another important element which must be considered in order to benefit others. Non maleficence is my spiritual belief and I am sure that no religion in the world teaches to harm others especially nurses and doctors who are ethically, religiously and socially responsible to extend healthcare benefits. My personal experience says that nurses are by nature very dedicated to their jobs however, the society at large and healthcare policies in particular influence their performance. For instance, cost of treatment is a major concern for all the healthcare institutions which actually stops the employees from performing at their best. Hence it is highly significant to make such policies which do not discriminate between rich and poor. Apart from this, healthcare policy is also affected by the government regulations and political instability. Political representatives are solely responsible to grant maximum healthcare opportunities to the mass population, however at times diffe rent taxes and huge government shares reduce the healthcare chances for the disadvantaged group of the society (Butts, 2012). The most significant inconsistency that I have discovered in the healthcare policy and in my personal beliefs is the poor relationship between beneficence and cost of treatment.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Palace of King Minos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Palace of King Minos - Essay Example An Antiquarian and Numismatist, Sir Evans contracted my assistance on the project toward historiographic documentation of his work, and that of Duncan MacKenzie whom will provide oversight on the forthcoming archaeological excavation. Inspired by the work of one of my colleagues, Heinrich Schliemann and his discovery of the royal tomb at Mycenae in 1876, Sir Evans has made numerous trips to Crete and the site at Knossos since the first encounter in 1894. In the Ancient Minoan period, the great palace is not only a royal residence but also the center of administration for the broader agrarian and maritime economies of the island. The site of exchange for governance of Cretan society, and locus of power in communiqu with other seafaring cultures of antiquity, the Palace of King Minos was to become my greatest resource for inquiry into to ancient civilization. While I had spent time following others like Schliemann around the Mediterranean in writing about the development of Bronze Age cultures, nowhere was I enlightened to the human spirit and its potential for inculcating both equity and whimsy into a praxis of leadership. Unlike the hierarchies of the Ancient Egypt Egyptian Kingdoms of the same period, Crete main tained a separate culture that could very well be the precursor to democratic monarchies of the modern period. Six Months later . . .How does a historian go about constructing an adequate chronological framework for such a site as we are uncovering We have been toiling at our work endlessly as Mr. MacKenzie and his crew of local workers dig, dust and classify the bronze statuary from both Crete, and the surrounding Mediterranean, the vast amount of clay pottery, and even shards of ivory and other foreign materials from as far away as East Africa that are so indicative of the world of abundant trade that the Minoans engaged. The robustness of their culture and especially successful economic trade with other civilizations, attests to the high standard of living that the culture enjoyed well beyond what might have been expected in Europe even one hundred years ago. We have decided upon a Chronology for the Minoan Bronze Age which is now determined to be three periods: Early, Middle and Late Minoan (em, mm, lm). Subdivision of the periods has been classified according to noticeable shifts in pott ery styles. Late Minoan pottery: (a) conical rhyton, h. 325 mm, from Gournia, Room C58, lm ib; (b) ovoid rhyton, Marine style, h. c. 240 mm, from Palaikastro, lm ib; (c) bridge-spouted jar, Special Palatial tradition, Floral style, h. 165 mm, from Knossos, lm ib; (d) 'Ephyraean' goblet, h. 150 mm, from the Temple Tomb, Knossos, lm ii; (e) jar, Palace style, h. 850 mm, from Knossos, lm ii-iiia:1 (all Herakleion, Archaeological Museum); (f) stirrup jar, Close style, h. 105 mm, from a tomb at Tourloti, lm iiic (Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania, University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology).iMuch effort has gone into geographic analysis of the site, and interpretation of planning that is an obvious precursor to Roman topographic renderings available to us today. The Palace at Knossos is to our best estimation 1300 BC. The

Friday, January 24, 2020

The New York Crystal Palace :: Architecture History

The New York Crystal Palace: The Great Exhibition of Art and Industry "The Crystal Palace is a partial picture of the age; an exposition of the comforts and luxuries, the manners and attainments which belong to our civilization." -B. Silliman & C. R. Goodrich (The World of Science, Art and Industry at the Crystal Palace, New York, 1854) On July 14, 1853, the Great Exhibition of Art and Industry began in New York City, New York, with the commemoration of the Crystal Palace, the central exhibition hall. The next day, President Franklin Pierce inaugurated the event with a grand ceremony. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis was also on hand. Modeled on the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London, which had opened a few years earlier for the Exhibition of the Products of the Art and Industry of All Nations, New York's Crystal Palace was larger than its predecessor, and it inspired everyone who saw it. This exhibition included a display of sculpture that was probably the largest ever held in the United States up to that time. There was also a separate gallery for the display of paintings. It was the first world's fair to include a separate picture gallery as part of its exhibits. This image is Stuart's Topological Map of the Crystal Palace and Guide to the Revised Official Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Industries of All Nations. The map was prepared by Henri C. Stuart and published by G.P. Putnam and Co. for the use of visitors to the New York Crystal Palace. With the accompanying legend, visitors would be able to see the layout of all the exhibit classes in the building, as well as the entrances and stairways. As seen in this plan, all the room in the spacious building was used for displaying the different forms of industry. The position of the Machine Gallery in relation to the Crystal Palace can also be seen. The restrooms are between the Palace and the Gallery, adjacent to Saloon areas for the Gents and Ladies respectively. In addition, for the convenience of visitors, a note below the map states, "Wherever this sign (*) occurs on the diagram, is a prominent point of interest to the visitor." The sculptures displayed along the main naves are clearly labeled, so that one could use them as "You Are Here" signs to know where one was on the diagram.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Corporate governance Essay

Introduction Corporate governance refers to a system of mostly rules, practices as well as procedures that direct as well as control a company. In most cases it involves the balancing of all the stakeholders that have an interest in the company including the management, shareholders, government, the community to mention but a few depending on the company. Essentially, corporate governance provides a framework that if followed will help the company attain its objective in an all round manner. Though a relatively new phenomenon, this concept has been able to take the world by storm with countries that have embraced it turning in a lot of development that their counterparts. The embracing as well as the internalization of corporate governance by different countries has been able to foster growth and development while creating a business friendly environment in which companies can co-exist with the state as well as the communities in which they operate (Fernando, 2009, p.23). Case study: the United States As recent as 2002, the United States enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley bill into law making it an act. This was ushered in to restore the public’s confidence in companies and markets. Prior to this act, there had been a string of bankrupted high profile companies that had been brought down by internal accounting fraud. This left a twist that ensured that the companies would essentially be governed by state laws and therefore failure due to breach of such laws would be answerable to the government. This ensures that not only are the interests of the company shareholders protected but that then community that usually benefits from activities such as employment are also taken care off. Thus, the country has over years adopted different legislations both at the federal as well as state level that ensure that corporate governance is fully realized in the state. Therefore, from the United States, the UK can learn to enact strong legislations that would act as a guidelines to both state as well as the companies and any other stakeholders of the importance of embracing corporate governance. This would also serve the purpose of regulating corporations that will then have to acknowledge the fact that rules have been put in place and therefore have to be followed and that failure of compliance would lead to outlined penalties (Chew & Gillan, 2009, p. 3). Case study: India India, unlike the United States, has created a committee that deals with corporate governance know as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The board that in most cases takes on a trustee role for all the companies in India was created through the adoption of SEBI Act, 1992. The act gives the body statutory powers to be able to carry out its duties and functions. These approach adopted in India is believed to have been adopted from the Ghanaian principle of trusteeship and that it is a directive of the Indian constitution with a little twist in between. The preamble of the body is to among other functions â€Å"†¦to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the growth (Das, 2008, p. 7). Reference Chew, D. H., & Gillan, S. L. 2009. U.S. corporate governance. New York, N.Y., Columbia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   University Press. Das, S. C. 2008. Corporate governance in India: an evaluation. New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   India. Fernando, A. C. 2009. Corporate governance: principles, policies and practices. New Delhi,   Ã‚  Ã‚   Pearson Education.   

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Preventing The Onset Of Disease - 939 Words

Primary prevention is concerned with preventing the onset of disease; it aims to reduce the incidence of disease. It involves â€Å"... health promotion, such as health education and a good standard of nutrition adjusted to developmental phases of life, and specific protection, such as the use of specific immunizations and use of specific nutrients† (Edelman et al., 2014 pg. 12). According to the case study, Richard Renehart is a 62- year-old Caucasian male who weighs 252 pounds. He is overweight and has type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, Theresa Jenkins is a 78-year old female who is of African American and Hispanic descent. She has hypertension and may also be suffering from depression and diabetes. First of all, since type 2 diabetes is strongly associated with obesity, Richard and Theresa both need to start making healthy choices regarding their diets. Theresa should stop skipping meals and join her family for meals as this can also help improve her loneliness. She ought to eat more than just soups. Both have to start eating healthy, and what this means is eating in smaller portions and choosing healthy foods like whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, crackers, oatmeal, cereals, and barley. Fewer high-fat foods and more fruits and vegetables should be incorporated into their diet. Meat can also be substituted with fish, turkey, or chicken without the skin. Yogurt and cheese or low-fat or skim milk should also be added. Additionally, they must avoidShow MoreRelatedThe Reading Should Some Lives Be Prevented?1518 Words   |  7 PagesShould Some Lives Be Prevented? Glannon claims that preventing the lives of people who have severe early-onset disorders, like Lesch-Nyhan, is morally justified on the grounds of nonmalificence and justice. He advocates for pre-natal testing with a particular emphasis on embryonic testing. 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There are three types of Alzheimer’s, Early-onset Alzheimer’s, when people younger than 65 years old are diagnosed with the disease, typically around their 40’s or 50à ¢â‚¬â„¢s and is very rare, less than 10% of all people with Alzheimer’s have early-onset; Late-onset Alzheimer’s which is what most people are familiar with, and is when someone is diagnosed with the disease after the age of 65; and lastly, Familial Alzheimer’s disease which is a form that doctors know for certain is linked toRead MoreEpidemiologic Evidence Paper1464 Words   |  6 Pagespre-diabetic. Epidemiologic evidence shows that due to the growing number of adults diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes is increasing, which will in turn show an increase in the comorbidities associated with diabetes such as cardiovascular disease. 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Regardless, the evidence of splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, kidneyRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease Is The Most Significant Risk Factor1074 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer s Disease Abstract Alzheimer’s disease currently represents the second leading cause of death in people older than 65 years residing in the modern world. (1) Census records attest to this assertion, which has prompted medical researchers to further investigate the etiology and course of development of the disease in order to better treat the debilitating condition. This paper investigates how Alzheimer’s entered the medical lexicon and how its definition has shifted over the past centuryRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Influenza And Influenza1412 Words   |  6 Pagesapproximately one million people worldwide. Vaccines played a large role in human history in fighting and preventing diseases from annihilating human beings. This paper will discuss the economic aspects of whether it should be mandatory for hospital health care workers to take the flu vaccine. Paula Sullivan, a seasoned nurse practitioner, discusses how influenza is an infectious disease that takes place â€Å"in temperate regions around the world† which results in approximately the death of 500Read MoreMrsa Are A Source Of Major Concern For Public Health1098 Words   |  5 Pagesbump, pimple or a minor rash. As with any Staphylococcus-induced infection, the surface of an infected skin is likely to be â€Å"red, swollen, painful, warm to the touch, full of pus or other drainage and can be convoyed by a fever† (CDC). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports less than 2 percent of the population carries the type of staph bacteria known as MRSA (MRSA infection). MRSA is generally found in hospitals, simply due to the fact that there are higher number of infected surfacesRead MorePreventing And Managing Diabetes, A Global Health Challenge872 Words   |  4 PagesConclusion and Recommendation: Preventing and Managing Diabetes, A Global Health Challenge Diabetes continues to be a major global health issue and prevention is the best approach towards reducing its attendant complications. There are lots of concerted efforts globally to address this chronic disease and this has led to an increased awareness and better management of the disease. No effort, no matter how small is misplaced and every effort targeted at diabetes prevention and control is well targetedRead MoreTaking a Look at Hepatitis832 Words   |  3 Pagesfrom two to seven days, usually precedes the onset of jaundice. The most prominent symptoms in this phase are fever, headache, muscular and abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and sometimes arthralgia. Hepatomegaly and leukopenia are often present during this period. In typical cases the urine becomes dark, and the stools pale before appearance of yellow discoloration of the mucous membranes and appearance of jaundice about ten days after onset of the general symptoms. Fever and most of the